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单词 先发制人

先发制人xiān fā zhì rén

be beforehand with sb;catch (/take) the ball before the bound; gain the initiative (/mastery/advantage/upper hand) by striking first; forestall the enemy; get (/have) the drop on sb; get (/have) the start of sb; take the initiative so as to gain the upper hand;steal a march on sb; take the wind out of sb’s sails
❍ 只有~,马上就动,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—244)…we have no choice but to act immediately. “He who strikes first rules the others!”/李洛玉见魏强有点不愿收下的样子,就~地说:“这是老百姓的一点心愿,我是奉老百姓的命令来的。……” (冯志《敌后武工队》126) Li Luoyu saw that Wei Qiang hesitated to accept the contents of the baskets and wanted to have the first word. “These are to show the gratitude of the people. They sent me here. …”/他想,要是为办社的事,顶好不叫要他们开口,免得费唇舌,他~,笑着说道:“清明胡子你来得好,正要找你。” (周立波《山乡巨变》68) He thought,if it was about the co-operative movement he had better forestall them,to save a lot of wasted breath; the opener had the advantage. So he smiled and said:“I’m glad you’ve come,Moustaches Qingming. I was just going to see you.”

先发制人xian fa zhi ren

gain the initiative by striking first


preemption;take preemptive (or anticipatory) action; act preemptively; preempt(emerging threats,etc); strike first; gain the initiative by striking first;forestall the enemy;preemptive strike
采取~的手段take preemptive measures/如受威胁便发动~的打击launch a preemptive strike if threatened/~的袭击an attack by first strike weapons/~的战争preemptive war /~的防御性打击preemptive defensive strike/~的核打击preemptive nuclear strike

先发制人xiān fā zhì rén

原指战争中的双方,先发动的就处于主动地位,可以控制对方。现多泛指先下手争取主动。forestall the enemy, mount preemptive strikes, get the start of sb., steal a march on sb., beat to the draw





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