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单词 price


△Rom.4.1.27:“If I do so,itwill be of more price,/Being spoke ( = spoken) be-hind your back,than to your face.”如果我真这样,在你背后说比当你面说更有价值。
2. value,worth,importance价值,重要性。
△Tw.3.4.255 (230):“if you hold your life at any price,”假如你还看重你的性命的话。
3. great value or worth极大价值。
△2H.IV.5.3.96(94):“And helter-skelter have I rode to thee / and ti-dings do I bring,and lucky joys,/ And golden times,and happy news of price.”我匆匆忙忙地骑马来见你,带来了消息和幸运的快乐,黄金的时代和有极大价值的新闻。
4. prize奖赏。
△Oth.4.3.70 (69): “The world’s ahuge thing; it is a great price / For a small vice.”世界是一件很大的东西;为了一件小罪恶而得到这样大的奖赏,是值得的。
5. ❶monetary value价格,价钱。
△Lr.1.1.200 (197):“But now her price is fallen.”但是现在她的价格(双关:评价)已经跌落了。


vt. set price on为…订价钱。
△L.L.L.5.2.225(224):“Price you yourselves;”你们订有价格。


n.价格,价钱,代价 v.定价,标明价格
◇at a price 以很高的代价
at a stipulated price按规定的价格
at any price无论如何
at competitive price价格公道
at current price按现行价格
at fair price价格公道
at market price按市价
at the market price按现行市场价格
at the price of以…的代价
filling at the price物美价廉
give a long price for高价购买
price bargain讨价还价
price oneself out of the market把价格提高到人们拒绝购买的水平
‖ above price宝贵的,无价的
beyond price宝贵的,无价的
check price限价
community prices openly marked明码标价
conversion price转换价格
favourable price优待价
marked price明码标价
net-back price 厂价
price abatement 降价
price adjusted value按不变价格计算的价值
price adjusting价格调整
price adjustment调价
price advance涨价,提价
price advertising价格广告
price analysis价格分析
price arbitration议价
price association价格联盟
price at a discount折扣价格
price at duty paid已付税价格
price at factory出厂价
price averaging价格均摊
price bargain讨价还价
price before tax税前价格
price bulletin市价表
Price Bureau物价局
price card价格目录
price cartel价格协定
price catalogue价目表
price ceiling最高限价
price change价格变动
price change clause价格变动条款
price clause价格条款
price comparison价格比较
price competition价格竞争
price competitiveness价格竞争能力
price concession让价
price condition价格条件
price-consumption curve价格消费指数
price control限价,物价控制
price current市价表,行市表
price cutting大减价
price-cutting competition销价竞争
price cycle价格循环
price delivered along vessel船上交货价格
price development价格动态
price difference差价
price differences between different currencies货币差价
price differentials差价
price discipline价格规则
price discovery市场定价
price discretion价格自主权
price discrimination价格歧视,差别定价法
price dispersion价格差别
price-dividend ratio价格红利比率
price duty paid完税货价
price-earnings multiple股票价格收益
price earnings ratio股票价格收益率,市盈率
price economy价格经济
price elasticity价格弹性
price elasticity of demand需求的价格弹性
price elasticity of supply供给价格弹性
price equilibrium价格平衡
price expectation预期价格
price fall价格下降
price fixing限价
price flexibility价格弹性
price floor最低限价
price fluctuation reserve物价波动
price for account根据定期合同所定的牌价
price for tax assessment计税价格
price formation价格构成
price fraud价格欺诈
price freeze价格冻结
price-gathering system价格搜集系统
price growth per cent价格增长率
price hike提价
price hikes for exorbitant profits牟取暴利
price improvement提高价格
price in domestic currency本币计价
price in easy价格疲软
price in easy价格疲软
price incentive价格刺激
price including tax含税价格
price increase涨价
price index物价指数
price indexation价格指数化
price inflation物价膨胀
price laws and regulations价格法规
price leaders价格领导者
price level价格杠杆,物价水平
price level adjusted statement按价格水平调整的报表
price limit价格限制,限价
price lining底价,价格排列定价法price list价格表
price loco当地价格
price maintenance agreement价格维持协定
price management system价格管理体制
price manipulation操纵价格,造价
price margin销货毛利,价差
price margins between different clients客户差价
price market价格市场
price matrix价格矩阵
price measure价格尺度
price mechanism价格机制
price memory价格存储器
price monopoly价格垄断
price of admission入场费
price of agricultural specialty with duty paid农业特产品含税价格
price of agricultural specialty with duty unpaid农业特产品不含税价格
price of factory厂价
price of fluctuating价格波动
price-off promotions降价促销
price of import goods进口价
price of labor劳动价格
price of loan贷款利率
price of military items军品价格
price of military products军品价格
price of money货币价格,贷款利率
price of producers价拨价
price of production生产价格
price of security证券行市
price of the privilege优惠价格
price on a uniform basis统一规定的价格
price on spot现货价格
price packs特价品
price policy价格政策
price potential潜在价格
price predetermination clause价格重订条款
price promotion价格促销price proportion价格比值,比价
price pushing哄抬价格
price quotation报价,价格行情
price quotation system价格报价系统
price ramping炒高价格
price range价格波动范围
price ratio价格比,比价
price ratio line价格比率线
price rebate价格折扣
price redetermination clause价格重订条款
price reduction价格折让,削价
Price Reporting System报价系统
price revolution价格革命
price ring价格协定
price rise价格上涨
price rises物价涨幅
price risk价格风险
price scissor(价格)剪刀差
price sensitive价格敏感性
price-sensitive information股价敏感数据,影响股价数据
price sensitivity价格敏感度
price-setting process定价过程
price spread跨价买卖
price spread arbitrage价差套利
price stabilization policy稳定价格政策price stabilization稳定物价
price structure价格结构price subsidy for non staple food副食品价格补贴
price supervision价格监督
price support物价补贴
price support policy价格支持政策
price support scheme价格补贴计划
price system价格体系,价格制度
price tag价格标签
price target价格指标
price tend upwards物价趋势上涨
price tentative暂定价格
price theory价格理论,价格论
price to earnings ratio市盈率
price upswing物价上升
price uptrend物价上升倾向
price variance价格差异
price variance of food grain粮食差价
price vector价格向量
price-wage flexibility价格工资弹性
price war (warfare)价格战
reasonable price management价格公道
relative price比价
rise in price涨价
prices fluctuating in response to market conditions随行就市
prices fluctuating价格浮动
prices should be marked明码实价
prices support价格支持
upwards drift in prices价格看涨
priced tender标价投标数量单
priced work按件计价的工作
pricing adjustments定价调整
pricing by quality按质论价
pricing inventory计价盘存
pricing model定价模式
pricing on the known公认定价
pricing policy价格政策
pricing policies价格策略
pricing strategy定价策略
pricing system价格体系
priceless adj. 无价的,极贵重的
price-list n. 价格表
pricer n. 评价的人,问价而不买的客人
pricewise adv. 就物价而论,在物价方面
pricey adj.价格高的,昂贵的





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