释义 |
调(調)diàoⅠ ❶ (调动;分派) transfer;shift;move:~ 挡 shift gears;~ 干部 transfer cadres;~ 军队 move troops; 他已从仓库 ~ 到会计室工作。 He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office. 我们只得把那个学生 ~ 到慢班。 We had to move that student down to an easier class. ❷ (拨给) allot;allocate:~ 来一批钢材。 A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us. ❸ (交换) exchange:让我们 ~ 一 ~ 位子。 Let's trade seats. Ⅱ ❶ (腔调) accent:南腔北 ~ (speak with) a mixed accent; 这人说话带山东 ~ 儿。 This person speaks with a Shandong accent. ❷ {音} key:B ~ key of B;G 大 ~ G major;G 小 ~ G minor ❸ (腔调;音调) air;tune;melody:~ 寄《沁园春》 to the tune of Qinyuanchun; 定 ~ call the tune; 老 ~ 重弹 strike up an old tune ❹ {语} (语音上的声调) tone;tune:降 ~ falling tone [tune];升 ~ rising tone [tune] 另见 see also tiáo。 ◆调兵遣将 deploy forces;appoint generals and their soldiers (come out );commission generals and dispatch troops;(sitting at a chessboard) deploy generals and knights;dispatch officers and men;mobilize troops;move troops (from ... towards ...);move troops and dispatch generals;send large contingents of organized men for a military purpose; 调拨 (调动拨付) allocate and transfer (goods or funds);allot;(配给) allocation; 调查 investigate;examine;inquire into;look into;survey;(try to) learn the facts about;on (closer) investigation;make an investigation on [of;into];hold an inquiry into sth.;make inquiries about sb. [sth.];on inquiry;search into;carry out a research;make a survey of;see into;engaged in research into;make a researching inquiry; 调车 shunt;shunting; 调车场 switchyard; 调档 transfer the files;examine sb.'s record [dossier];调调 (曲调;调式) tune;melody;[贬] (论调) view;argument; 调动 (更动) transfer;shift;(调动军队) move (troops);manoeuver;muster; 调度 (调遣) dispatch (trains,buses,etc.);(调度员) dispatcher;(安排) manage;control;(安排时间、进度) scheduling; 调防 {军} relieve a garrison; 调干学员 a college student enrolled from among cadres;cadre student; 调号 {语} (音调符号) tone mark;{音} (曲调符号) key signature; 调虎离山 lure the tiger out of the mountains — entice one's opponents to leave their vantage ground;entice a person from his haunts so as to facilitate some evil action on him;induce the enemy to leave their entrenchments;lure the enemy away from his base;lure the tiger away from its lair;make sb. leave his base; 调[掉]换 (彼此互换) exchange;change;swap;(更换) conversion; 调回 recall (troops,etc.); 调集 assemble;concentrate;muster; 调[吊]卷 ask for the transfer of records; 调类 {语} tone category; 调离 leave under [by;upon] order;transfer; 调离介绍信 dimissory letter; 调令 transfer order; 调门儿 [口] (歌唱或说话时音调的高低) pitch;[贬] (指论调) view;argument; 调派 send;assign;send out;dispatch; 调配 allocate;deploy; 调遣 assign;dispatch; 调群 {语} tone group; 调任 be transferred to another post; 调入 call in;{计} call; 调式 {音} mode; 调[掉]头 reverse end for end;U-turn;turn about;change direction; 调头 [方] tune;tone; 调研 survey;investigate and survey; 调研员 investigator; 调演 transfer a theatrical troup,etc. for performances;select performance; 调用 transfer (officer) temporarily for a specific task;{计} call;invoking; 调运 allocate and transport; 调职 be transferred to another post; 调值 {语} tone pitch; 调转 (掉转;调换成相反方向) turn;(调动转换;变动工作) transfer to another work unit; 调子 {音} tune;melodytone; (of speech) note
调(調)tiáoⅠ ❶ (配合得均匀合适) harmonize; suit well; fit in perfectly: 风 ~ 雨顺 good weather for the crops; propitious [favourable] weather; 饮食失 ~ ailment caused by an unbalanced or irregular diet; 琴瑟不 ~。 The stringed instruments clash. ❷ (使配合得均匀合适) mix; adjust; tune; blend: ~ 准小提琴的音 tune a violin; 加面粉把汤 ~ 稠 blend flour with broth; 你不把望远镜 ~ 好是看不见东西的。 You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. ❸ (调解) mediate: 在双方之间 ~ 和 mediate between the two parties ❹ (挑逗)tease; make fun of: ~ 谑 poke fun at; tease ❺ (挑拨) provoke; alienate: ~ 词架讼 provoke sb. to appeal to a higher court Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 广 Tiao Guang 另见 see also diào。 ◆调处 mediate; arbitrate; 调磁合金 magnetic shunt alloy; 调挡 {机} gear shift; 调伏其心 moderate and subdue one's heart; 调服 {中医} be taken after mixing with liquid; 调羹 spoon; 调和 be in harmonious proportion; mediate; reconcile; compromise; make concessions; 调和肠胃 harmonizing intestine and stomach; 调和敷衍 compromising or glossing over; 调和肝脾 {中医} regulating the function of the liver and spleen; 调和肝胃 {中医} regulating the function of the liver and stomach; 调和气血 {中医} regulation of qi and blood; 调和折衷 strike a balance; split difference; compromise; 调和诸脏 {中医} regulating the function among the viscera; 调护 care of a patient during convalescence; nurse; 调剂 make up a prescription; adjust; regulate; 调价 readjust the price; adjust price; rise in price; price adjustment; 调浆 {纺} size mixing; 调焦 focus; focusing; 调教 guide; teach (children); look after and tame (livestock); 调节 regulate; adjust; monitor; measure; take care of; condition; regulation; adjustment; conditioning; modulation; accommodation; control; tune-up; 调节器 regulator; adjuster; governor; controller; conditioner; actuator; phaser; 调节税 regulation [adjustable] tax; regulatory (business) tax; 调解 mediate; make peace; arbitrate; adjust; mediation; adjustment; accord; peacemaking; treaty; conciliation; 调解争端 arbitrate a case; be a peace-maker; compose a dispute; compose the differences between the two parties; mediate between two warring countries; 调经 {中医} regulate the menstrual function; regulating menstruation; 调酒 rectification; 调侃 ridicule (a person); mock up sb.; scoff; 调控 regulate and control; 调理 nurse one's health; recuperate; look after; take care of; {生化} opsonize; 调料 seasoning; condiment; flovouring; 调墨机 ink mixing machine; 调墨台 {刷} ink slab; ink table; 调墨油 varnish; 调弄 make fun of; tease; arrange; adjust; instigate; stir up; 调配 mix; blend; 调皮 naughty; mischievous; unruly; tricky; play tricks; 调皮捣蛋 act up; mischievous; troublesome; 调频 frequency modulation (FM); frequency adjustment; 调气 {中医} regulating the qi flowing in the channels; 调气贮藏 controlled atmosphere storage; 调情 flirt; philander; romp; court (a lady); 调情作乐 make love for amusement; 调热器 heat regulator; 调人 [旧] mediator; peacemaker; 调入 tuning in; fold; 调三窝[斡]四 sow the seeds of discord everywhere; 调色 toning; 调摄 [书] take good care of oneself (after an illness); 调试 shakedown test; debug; debugging; 调速 {工} speed governing; speed regulation; 调速器 governor; speed controller; speeder; 调唆 incite; instigate; 调停 mediate; intervene; accommodate; interposition; act as an intermediary; 调味 sauce; flavour; season; 调味品 condiment; relish; dressing; flavouring; seasoning; 调温 thermoregulation; attemperation; 调戏 take liberties with; molest; flirt with; assail with obscenities; play the make on; 调笑 make fun of; poke fun at; tease; 调协 suit well; be in perfect harmony; 调谐 harmonious; {电} tune; resonate; tuning; tuning in; resonating; syntony; syntonizing; tuning up; 调谑 tease; crack a joke; 调压 pressure regulating; 调压器 pressure regulator; voltage regulator; compressor governor; 调养 take good care of oneself; build up one's health by rest and by taking nourishing food; be nursed back to health; recuperate (after an illness); 调音 tone tuning; toning; 调音台 sound console; 调匀 homogenize; stir even; mix well; 调整 adjust; tune-up; trim; trimming; variation; modulation; arrangement; debug; rectification; redress; regulation; adjustment; readjustment; fine-tune; alignment; governing; updating; 调整、改革、整顿、提高国民经济 readjusting, restructuring, consolidating and improving the national economy; 调整、巩固、充实、提高readjustment, consolidation, filling out and raising standards; adjustment, consolidation, sup ̄ plementation and standard raising; 调整机构 adjust the organizational structure; 调整经济关系 reforming economic relations; 调整职工工资 give wage increases to workers and staff members; increase the wages and salaries of workers and staff members; 调制 mingle; toss; lard; {电子} modulate; concoction; modulation; 调质处理 modified treatment; 调治 recuperate under medical treatment; recuperative medical care; 调准 harmonize; adjustment; adjusting; alignment; aligning; true-up; tune-up; 调资 adjust wages; wage adjustment ; raise wages; wage increase; 调嘴学舌 stir up enmity; carry tales; cause alienation between friends by spreading rumors; make mischief (between ...); tell tales; tittle-tattle about people behind their backs |