释义 |
调兵遣将点兵派将diào bīng qiǎn jiàngdeploy forces; dispatch officers and men; move (/muster)troops; rig up a military force ❍ ~,布置完毕,邓秀梅才回到乡上,紧接着参加了那里的一个会议。(周立波《山乡巨变》149) Having deployed her forces,Deng Xiumei went back to the township government and took part in a meeting then in progress. ❍ 梁中书的夫人,躲得在后花园中,逃得性命,便叫丈夫写表申奏朝廷,写书教太师知道: 早早~,剿除贼寇报仇。(《水浒全传》832) The lady of governor Liang had hid in the inner flower garden and so she had escaped with her life,and she bade her husband write a memorial to the Emperor and a letter to the prime minister that it might be known what had been done so that the sooner generals and their soldiers might be appointed to come out and destroy these robbers and wreck revenge. ❍ 因是宋公明生发背疮,在寨中又~,多忙少闲,…… (《水浒全传》835) But at that time Song Jiang lay ill in bed with the wen upon his back,and there was great ado in the lair then,sending chieftains hither and thither,and there was no time for aught else. 调兵遣将diào bīnɡ qiǎn jiànɡ调动兵马,派遣将领。现多指调配人力。move troops, deploy forces, dispose manpower |