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单词 over


1. again再一次。
△Tw.5.1.279(269):“And all thosesayings will I over swear.”那一切话我愿意发誓再说一遍。
2. in addition. besides另外,此外。
△H.VIII.4.2.151(150): “That they may have their wages dulypaid 'em. And something over to remember me by.”请把他们的工钱不折不扣地付给他们,并且额外多给一些,作为对我的纪念。


◇all over again重新
be over完了
over again重新
over against与…相比
in the same oven处于相同的困境
over the top夸张而无说服力的表演
‖ over-absorbed cost多摊成本
over acting过分夸张,过分表演,抢戏,突出自己,作用过度
over advance超额预付款
over age超龄
over-age grade军阶超龄
over all balance综合平衡
over all capitalization rate总资本还原率
over amplification放大过量
over and over颠来倒去
over and short溢缺额
over-and-short account现金溢缺账户
over-and-under shotgun立式猎枪
over applying超额分配
over arm举手过肩投球,手臂出水的游泳法
over arm-lock反夹臂
over arm-lock ride反夹臂
over-arm method肩上投掷法
over-arm pass上手传球
over-arm sidestroke单臂出水的侧游
over-arm throw肩上掷球
over-arm whip上手鞭打
over arrow越靶箭
over balance超过,失去平衡,重于
over beam过梁
over bid叫牌超过(别人),过高的叫牌
over blow说大话
over blowing管乐器吹奏法
over boot高筒靴罩
over-bought and over-sold line超买与超卖线
overbought market 超买市场
over-bought position超买
over bowed硬弓
over burden使负担过度,使过劳
over call出更高的价钱,叫牌叫得高,过高叫牌
over capitalization资本额过多,资本过剩over cast覆盖
over charge要价过高over club超规定球棒,超规格球棒over clubbing超号球杆
over coach训练过度
over colour过分润饰,着色过多
over consuming超前消费
over cost营运资本
over delicate过分精致的
over demand供不应求
over depreciation超额提取折旧
over development显影过度
over-distance run超长距离跑,超主项距离跑
over-distance swimming超长距离游泳
over-distance training超长距离训练
overdraw test弓的超拉距试验
over-drive suppression超速抑制
over driving打球出界
over-duplicated project重复建设
over educated教育过剩
over entry垂直过头的入水
over entry certificate退税单
over excitation过度兴奋
over exposure过度曝光
over exposure plate过度曝光的底片
over extension负债过量
over fatigue过度疲劳,使疲劳过度
over fence越过外场屏障
over float钩手飘球
over grip高抱式,正握
over head time抵达时间
over horizon radar超电视程雷达
over invoicing开高价发票
over issues过量发行的印刷品
over jerky shot过于颠簸的镜头
over labour过分刻画
over lap重叠,叠印
over lay镀金
over leaf反面
overlength additional超长附加费
over light照明过度
over load超负荷
over loading超载
over look鸟
over miss失误过多
over net过网,过网击球
over of assets资产估计过高
over one总杆数比标准杆多一杆
over paid超付
over painting 覆盖色
over par超过标准球,超过标准击数,超过规定击数,击数超过规定
over pass天桥
over play过分表演,夸张表演
over population人口过剩
over racing比赛过度
over rehearse过多预演,排练过度
over see鸟瞰
over set镶嵌
over shot跳花
over shoulder carry肩上持枪
over shoulder pass从肩上向后传球,过肩传球
over-shoulder whip肩上投掷
over sight漏招
over speed超速
over spend超支
over spin上旋球,上旋
over spin lift拉上旋球
over-staff unit超编单位
over stand停留时间过长
over standard超定额
over step四步犯规
over step the mark越出起跑线
over stretch过度伸长
over stretched body挺身
over stride长滑步,大滑步,步子过大
over strung琴弦斜向交叉的
over swing挥棒过度,摆越
over table台内推挡
over the barrel高提肘划水
over the bars杠上
over-the-counter dealings of the foreign stock外国股票的场外交易
over-the-counter index option场外指数期权交易
over-the-counter market场外交易市场
over-the-counter sale 直接交易
over-the-counter securities场外交易证券
over-the-counter stock店头交易股票
over the defence绕过防守
over-the-feet action越过两脚的动作
over the net过网
over-the-rim shot扣篮
over the shoulder delivery肩上投掷
over the shoulder shot越肩向后射门
over the table出界
over the top play绕三秒区顶部的打法
over throw漏接,肩上投球,后撑后翻
over time bonus加班费
over today今日起息
over tomorrow明日起息
overtone series泛音列
over tones弦外之音,泛音
over toss上手传球
over trades高空信风
over trading过量交易
over train过度练习,训练过度
over two多二杆,其余类推over valuation估价过高,高估
over waist过腰发球
over water bail-out水上跳伞
over work装饰品
over write写得过于详细,描述过分
over wrought不自然的,疲劳的
over zone越区传棒
over-the-counter n.非挂牌证券,场外证券,场外交易
overly adv.过度地,极度地





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