释义 |
mortifiedpa. p. destroyed,killed消灭,杀死。 △H.V.1.1.25: “The breath no sooner left his father's body,/But that (= than) his wildness,mortified in him. /Seemed to die too;”他的父亲刚一断气,他那种野性就消失了,仿佛也一下子死了。
mortifiedp. a. 1. dead死的。 △Mac.5.2.5: “the mortified man.”i.e. the dead man死人。 2. deadened to feeling,numbed,made insensible topain,insensible已失去感觉的,麻木的,对痛苦已无知无觉的,失去知觉的。 △Lr.2.3.15:“Strike in their numbed andmortified bare arms / Pins,wooden pricks. nails.sprigs of rosemary;”把一些铁针、木刺、钉子、迷迭香的小枝刺进他们那麻木而失去知觉的光胳膊。 3. dead to the world,dead to wordly pleasures. ascet-ic不问世事的,弃绝尘世娱乐的,禁欲的。 △L.L.L.1.1.28:“Dumaine is mortified”,杜曼决定禁欲。 |