释义 |
mutinyn. 1.open revolt,rebellion叛乱,反叛。 △1H.VI.5.1.61:“I'll either make thee stoop and bend thy knee,/ Orsack this country with a mutiny.”要是我不能使你屈身下跪,我就公开叛乱,把这个国家摧毁。 △2H.VI.3.2.128:“Myself have calmed their spleenful mutiny,”我自己已经平息了他们激怒的骚乱。 △3H.VI.1.4.75: “Andwhere's that valiant crook-back prodigy./ Dickieyour boy,that with his grumbling voice /Was wont tocheer his dad in mutinies?” 那个勇敢的驼背怪物,也就是经常用抱怨的声音鼓动他老子叛乱的你那个男孩子狄克,又在哪里呢? 2. uproar. riot. civil strife骚乱,骚动,内乱。 △Lr.1.2119 (107): “in cities,mutinies:”城市里有骚动。 △Oth2.1.283 (274):“for even out of that will I cause theseof Cyprus to mutiny,”为了这件事我就可以煽动塞浦路斯人叛乱。 △Oth.2.3.159(157): “Away,I say. Go out,and cry a mutiny.”走开,听我说。出去喊有了骚乱。 3.discord,strife,quarrel不和,争斗,争吵。 △L.L.L.1.1.168(169):“as umpeer of their mutiny.” 当做它们之间争斗的仲裁者。 △Rom.1.5.84 (80): “You'll make amutiny among my guests!”你想当着我的宾客们制造吵闹吗? △Rom.Pro. 3:“new mutiny,”新的争斗。 △1H.VI.4.1.130: “Much less to take occasion from their mouths / To raise a mutiny betwixt yourselves.”更不应该从他们的口角之中找出机会在你们之间也掀起一场争斗。 △H.VIII.3.2.120(119):“It may well be,/ There is amutiny in ’s mind.”很可能在他内心里有什么什么激烈斗争。 |