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单词 身体力行

身体力行shēn tǐ lì xíng

earnestly practise what one advocates; practise what one preaches; practise with vigour; put into practice (seriously) and work really hard; set personal example by actually car rying sth out/……而要站在马克思列宁主义的坚定立场上,掌握马克思列宁主义的方法,~,活泼地去指导一切的革命斗争,改造现实,同时改造他们自己。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》) 12) …but take a firm Marxist Leninist stand,learn the Marxist-Leninist method and act accordingly,giving spirited guidance in every revolutionary struggle,and thus they transform reality and at the same time transform themselves.
❍ 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,…… (《礼记·中庸》) To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge. To practice with vigour is to be near to magnanimity.…/关东军司令官不断地对我称赞张景惠是“好宰相”,是“日满亲善~者。” (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》348) The Guandong Army commander was always praising Zhang Jinghui to me as a good prime minister and“aman who puts Japan-Manzhouguo friendship into practice. ”/数十年来,~,不敢有负所学。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅱ—803) For years I have tried to live by these principles and not violate them.


lead by example;practice what one preaches(or advocates)
中国~地推动国际社会援助非洲。China,leading by example,urges the international community to provide more assistance to Africa.

身体力行shēn tǐ lì xínɡ

亲身体验,努力实行。earnestly practise what one advocates, put into practice seriously, carry out by actual efforts





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