morningn. 1.morning’s draught: morning’s drink. (It was a com-mon custom in taverns. in Shakespeare’s time,to sendpresents of wine from one room to another either as amemorial of friendship,or by way of introduction toacquaintance.)送早酒。(在莎士比亚时代.在酒店里常从一个房间向另一房间送早酒,以表示友谊或作为交朋友的见面礼。) △Wiv.2.2.154 (146):“and hath sent your worship amorning’s draught of sack.”还给您送来了一瓶白葡萄酒,作为早酒。 2. Morning’s love: Cephalus,a famous hunter andlover of Aurora,the goddess of dawn: or Aurora her-self. 晨曦的爱人.指黎明女神奥萝拉的情人、著名猎人塞甫拉斯:(又指)奥萝拉自己。 △Mid.3.2.389:“I with theMorning's love have oft made sport.”我常和晨曦的爱人同玩。(又译:我总是跟黎明女神一起游戏。) 3. this day morning:this morning 今天早晨。 △1H.IV.2.4.178 (158):“There be four of us here ( here who) have ta’ en(=taken) a thousand pound (pounds) this daymorning.”我们四个人今天早晨抢到了一千镑。 morning[ˈmɔ:niŋ]n.早晨,上午 ◇ form morning till night广泛流传 in the next morning第二天上午 ‖ morning and evening朝夕 morning and evening tides潮汐 morning assembly早会 morning coat大礼服 morning dress男式长礼服 morning edition晨报 morning exercises早操 morning glow朝霞 morning goods早餐食品 morning paper早报 morning newspaper晨报 morning session早市 morning shift早班 morning show早场演出 morning sunlight朝晖 morning test以首洞成绩定胜负赛 |