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单词 move


1. cause to come,bring about. give rise to. arouse.rouse 带来,导致,使发生.唤起,引起。
△Ham.2.1.118(115):“This must be known,which. being kept close.might move / More grief to hide (= by hiding). thanhate to utter (=by uttering) love.”i.e.If I makeHamlet’s love for Ophelia known,it may bring dislikeon me; but,on the whole,more grief would come from hiding it. 这种事情还是明白说出的好,如果一直秘而不宣.也许会引起不幸,宣布出来顶多招一场厌恨罢了。(按:因哈姆雷特身为王子,奥菲利娅仅为朝臣之女,说出他对她的爱情,恐为国王和王后责怪。)
△Ham.3.2.194 (182):“The instancesthat second marriage move”,引起第二次出嫁的动机。
△Mid.1.1.197:“O! that my prayers could such af-fection move.” 啊.但愿我的祈祷也能引起这样的情爱
△Rom.3.2.120: “Which modern lamentation mighthave moved?”这都可能引起普通的伤悼。
2. prompt,excite,provoke促使.激发,激起。
△1H.VI.2.5.70:“The reason moved (i.e.that moved) thesewarlike lords to this / was,”激起这些军事首领如此行动的理由是…
△3H.VI.3.3.48: “For this is he that movesboth wind and tide.”因为这正是煽起风浪的那个人。
3. stir up; touch使激动;感动。
△Tw.3.4.191 (171):“If this letter move him not,his legs cannot.”假如这封信不能使他激动起来,那么他屈膝恳求也不能(感动他)。(按:move双关。)
4. influence,affect影响,打动。
△Ham.1.5.53:“Butvirtue,as it never will be moved,/ Though lewdnesscourt it in a shape of heaven.”但是贞操,尽管淫欲扮作天使的形状前来求爱,也永远不为所动。
△1H.VI.4.1.56:“Moved with compassion of my country’s wrack.”对于我国所遭受的破坏不能无动于衷。
5. disturb,trouble,upset使不安.使烦恼,使心烦意乱。
△Shr.1.2.72: “She moves me not,”她也不会使我烦恼。
△Oth.3.3.217:“But I do see you’re moved.”但是我看你是感到不安了。(按: moved 又译“激动了”。)
△Mac.3.4. 48 (47): “What is’t that moves yourHighness?”(Macbeth is about to take his seat when hefinds the ghost of Banquo seated upon his stool.)是什么惊扰了陛下?
△R.III.3.7.62 (63):“And in no worldlysuits would he be moved.”他不愿受到世俗请愿的打扰。
6. exasperate. make angry,anger激怒.使发怒,使生气
△Wiv.1.4.95 (90):“throughly moved.”i.e.thoroughly angered. 大为恼火。
△ L.L.L.5.2. 692 (688):“Pompey is moved.” 庞培动怒了。
△ Tw 3.4.123(109):“Do you not see you move him?”你没看出来你惹他生气了吗?
△ Rom.1.1.9 (8):“A dog of the house of Montague moves me.”蒙太古家的一只狗就能把我惹起来。
△Rom.4.5.95: “Move them no more by crossing their high will. ”不可再违背天意而触怒上天。
△Lr.1.4.297 (273):“My lord. I am guiltless as I am ignorant /Of what hath moved you.”陛下,我没有过错,我不知道什么事使你生气。
△R.III.1.3.249 (248):“Foul shame upon you,you have all moved mine. ”你好无耻,你们早就把我惹怒了。
7. instigate,incite 教唆,煽动。
△2H.VI.3.1.377: “I know no pain they can inflict upon him / Will make him say I moved him to those arms.”我知道不管他们对他施加什么酷刑.也不会使他招出是我唆使他起兵作乱的。
8. induce,encourage. make (one) decide引导,促进,使…决定。
△Rom.1.3. 97:“if looking liking move;”且看对他观察后能否使我喜爱上他。
△H.VIII.2.4.165 (168):“Now. what moved me to ’t (= it),”现在,说一说究竟什么原因促使我做这件事。
△H.VIII.5.1.100 (99):“which, being considered / Have moved us and our Council, that you shall / This morning come before us.” 这些控诉.经过考虑之后.促使我和枢密院决定你明天早晨必须到我们面前受到讯问
9. propose. ask提出,问。
△Ado.4.1.74 (73):“Let me but move one question to your daughter.” 让我只向你的女儿提出一个问题。
△Oth.3.4.165 (166):“If I do find
fit. I’ll move your suit”,要是我看他能听得进话,我再提出你的请求。
10. appeal to,make suit to,address oneself to,apply to求助于.恳求,向…诉说,向…提出。
△Oth.3.4.18:“Tell him I have moved my lord on his behalf,and hope all will be well.”告诉他我已经为他向我的夫君说过情,而且希望一切顺利。
△Com.2.2.185 (181): “she moves me for her theme.”她把我当做当事人而向我诉说。(又译:她向我说话.她要打动我!)
△H.VIII.2.4.207 (210):“When I first moved you. ”我第一次向你提出的时候。
△H.VIII.2.4.215(218).“I then moved you. / My Lord of Canterbury,” 后来我又向你提出过,坎特伯雷大主教。11.appeal to,propose,suggest,urge求助于,向…提出,向…建议,激励。
△1H.IV. 2.3. 36 (32): “O,I could divide myself and go to buffets,for moving such a dish of skim-milk with so honourable an action.”啊,我恨不得把我自己劈成两半,让自己把自己狠狠揍一顿,怎么竟会鼓动这么一碟子撇掉奶油的牛奶(又译:没有骨气的懦夫)来参加这么一桩光荣的行动。
△R.III.3.7.139 (140):“In this just cause come I to move your Grace.”我前来催劝殿下应允这项正义的事业。
△Rom.3.4.2:“That we have had no time to move our daughter.”我们还没有时间去开导我们的女儿。12. propose marriage to求,向…求婚。
△Gent.1.2.27: “he... hath never moved me”,他从来不曾向我追求。
~ vi.
1. make a movement,institute an action,take the ini-tiative采取动作,采取行动,采取主动。
△Rom.1.1.11(9):“To move is to stir,” 动(双关:惹起来)就要有动作。
△Rom.1.5.109(105):“Saints do not move,thoughgrant for prayers’sake.”i.e.although they consent toprayers. 圣徒是不会动的,虽然有求必应。
2. plead,supplicate求情,恳求。
△Oth.2.3. 392 (383):“My wife must move for Cassio to her mistress; / I’llset her on.”我的妻子一定要在她女主人面前为凯西奥求情——我就去怂恿她。
move about: be near靠近。
△H.VIII.5.5.18 (5.4.17): “This royal infant — heaven still move abouther!” i.e. may she always be the principal care ofheaven!这位皇室的婴儿——愿上天永远在她左右保护她!


n. 移动,举动,举措,动议v.鼓动,感动,打动,移动,搬迁,运行
◇a false move不明智的行为
get a move on加紧
get moving迅速开始
make a move出发
move a motion提出动议
move against行动起来反对
move around不断移动
move back退缩
move for sth.正式要求某事
move heaven and earth竭尽全力
move off出发
move on继续进行
move the arms down向下压臂
move the ball in and out球传进回出
move the goal球门移动
move the head down低头
move the legs up向上摆腿
move the racket up 上提球拍
move up上涨
on the move在进行中
‖ big push in the downway move下跌受限制
move a post转移帖子
move aside偏离,偏轴
move down下降
move forward前进
move heel inward脚跟转向里
move of no value无分值动作
move on the diagonals斜走
move on the ranks and files横直都可走
move out右手投球向右向外投
move quickly into throwing position迅速做好传球准备
move side-down从体侧下摆
move side-up从体侧上摆
move the goal-posts改变原已经认可的条件
move without the ball无球移动
moved table球台移动
moving air气流
moving and tragic悲壮
moving attack攻击者迅速变换位置,跑动进攻
moving average移动平均数
moving average analysis移动平均分析
Moving Average Convergence-Divergence (MACD)移动平均值背驰指标
moving back机动后卫
moving expenses搬迁费
moving force动力
moving forward and backward荡动
moving function动作机能
moving hands like clouds云手
moving launcher活动发射装置
moving leg in front正搬腿
moving line运动路线
moving mean移动平均数
moving observer移动观察员
moving pictures活动图像,电影
moving pivot基准兵,移动的策应队员
moving platform移动台
moving play机动打法
moving range移动范围
moving screen机动掩护分队,行进问掩护
moving staircase自动扶梯
moving story感人的故事
moving surveillance跟踪监视
moving target活动目标,移动靶,移动目标
moving up leg at side侧搬腿
moving up leg behind后搬腿
movable=moveable adj. 活动的,变动的
movable batting cage可移动的击球练习网
movable block可移动块体
movable cab活动驾驶室
movable door活动舱门
movable estate动产
movable fulcrum活动轴率
movable gun活动机枪
movable image活动图像
movable insurance动产保险
movable launch platform活动发射平台
movable platform活动平台
movable property in trust信托动产
movable property 动产
movable rate浮动
movable starting installation可移动的发令设备
movable target活动靶
move-in n. 接展
move-out n.撤展
◇ in the movement随波逐流,与时俱进
Liberation National Movement民族解放运动
movement axis运动轴
movement below the bars杠下动作
movement by air空中输送
movement by water水路输送
movement capability运输能力
movement certificate移动声明
movement coordination运动协调性
movement duration动作时间
movement education运动教育
movement final首调唱名法
movement for curriculum reform新课程改革运动
movemen t in ballet芭蕾舞动作
movement memory运动记忆
movement of accommodation适应运动
movement of balance平衡动作
movement of capital资金流向
movement of enclosures圈地运动
movement of files档案来往
movement of population人口流动
movement of support支撑动作
movement off the ball接应
movement pattern动作定型
movement perception运动感觉
movement plan运输计划
Movement Republic Party人民共和党(1944年)/movement segment动态阶段
Movement Social Revolution社会革命运动
movement speed动作速度
movement strength动作力量
movement structure动作结构
movement study运动学习
movement table行军表
movement velocity动作速度
movement with the ball带球移动
the Movement运动党
movements of funds资金流动
mover n.行动者,鼓吹者
moving adj.
◇ get moving迅速开始





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