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单词 mouth


1. strange face,grimace怪相,鬼脸。
△Ham.2.2.389(364):“and those that would make mouths at him while my father lived,”当我父亲在世的时候,还对他做鬼脸的那些人。
2. mouthpiece喉舌。
△3H.VI.5.5.17: “Speak like asubject,proud ambitious York! / Suppose that I amnow my father's mouth.”你说话要像一个臣民的样子,骄横、有野心的约克! 要想着我现在是我父王的代言人。
3.i.e. voice,speech嘴,(转义)口声,言语。
△H.V.1.2230: “Either our history shall with full mouth / Speakfreely of our acts,”要让将来的历史连篇累牍颂扬我的丰功伟绩。
4. testimony 证词。
△As.3.1.11: “thy brother'smouth”,你弟弟的口供。
5. voice of dogs,cry,bark 狗的声音,叫声,犬吠。
△1H.VI.2.4.12: “Between two dogs,which haththe deeper mouth,”要是判断两条狗,哪一条叫声更响亮。
△Mid.4.1.129(123): “Slow in pursuit. but matchedin mouth like bells.”追猎时步子慢,但叫声像一组铃铛那样相配。
in the mouth: face to face面对面。
△Lr.3.4.11:“Thou 'dst meet the bear i' the mouth.”你就宁愿面对面迎着熊去了。
to fill up the mouth of: ❶in order to swell the roarof,in order to sound a greater noise of为了增强…的吼叫,为了发出更大的…的喧闹声;
❷in order to satisfy theappetite for为了满足对于…的欲望;
❸in order to makethe power complete for为了壮大…的力量。
△1H.IV.3.2.115:“Enlarged him and made a friend of him,/ To fill the mouth of deep defiance up.”把他释放还和他做了朋友,为的是壮大他公然叛乱的力量。


vt. speak with the mouth affectedly big,shoutwith exaggerated movements of the mouth,speakbombastically装模作样地张大嘴说出,口形夸张地呼喊,夸张地说出。
△Ham.3.2.2.:“but if you mouth it. as manyof your players do. I had as lief the town crier spokemy lines.”要是你像你们一般演员那样张大嘴把它吼出来,我倒宁愿叫宣布告示的公差来念我的戏词了。
~ vi. talk bombast. brag. rant说大话,吹牛,夸张地说话。
△Ham.5.1.305(283):“Nay,an thou’lt mouth.I’ll rant as well as thou.”你要是说大话,我也和你一样会夸口。




n. 口,嘴,河口
◇butter wouldn’t melt in sb.’s mouth其实并非如此
by word of mouth 口头上
down in the mouth情绪低落
from at the mouth非常愤怒
from out the mouth口吐泡沫,非常生气
have a big mouth大声说话
in the mouth of出于…之口
keep one’s mouth shut一声不吭
live from hand to mouth仅够满足目前所需
make a mouth做鬼脸
with open mouth张口结舌
‖ mouth accordion键盘口琴
mouth closed用鼻哼唱的
mouth draw与嘴齐高的拉弓法
mouth guard护唇
mouth harmonica口琴
mouth high-sounding words唱高调
mouth organ口琴
mouth sharp口型
mouth to ear instruction讲授法
mouthful n.一口,满口
mouthing n.怪脸,苦相
mouthpiece n.话筒,代言人,乐器的吹口





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