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单词 fair


1. good luck. good fortune. auspiciousness好运,吉祥。
△R.III.1.3.282 (281):“Now fair befall thee and thynoble House!”i.e. good luck come to you. etc. 愿你和你的高贵家族都交好运。
△R.III.3.5.46 (47):“Now fairbefall you!”现在祝你们吉祥如意!
△Shr.5.2.112(111):“Now fair befall thee”,i.e. good luck to you. 祝你好运。
△L.L.L.2.1.123:“Now fair befall your mask!”愿幸运降在你的面罩上!
2. fairness,beauty 美丽,美貌。
△As.3.2.100 (94):“Let no face be kept in mind / But the fair of Rosa-lind.”任何人的面貌都不用铭记在心,只需牢牢记住了美丽的罗萨琳。
△Com.2.1. 98: “decayed fair”,i.e. perishedbeauty. 凋残的花容玉貌。
△L.L.L.4.1.17:“Where fairis not,praise cannot mend the brow.”不美的人,再称赞也不能使她脸蛋儿好看。
in fair: with regard to beauty关于美貌。
△L.L.L.41.22: “heresy in fair.”关于美貌的邪说。
3. beauty: fair one美貌;美人。
△Mid.1.1.182:“Dem-etrius loves your fair,O happy fair!”狄米特律斯爱的是你的美貌,啊,幸福的美人!
4. beautiful woman,fair lady美女,佳人。
△L.L.L.52.37:“I am compared to twenty thousand fairs.”他把我跟两万个美人相比拟。
△Rom.2.Cho.3:“That fair forwhich love groaned for and would die.”使情人神魂颠倒的那位佳人


1. fine,good美好的,好的。
△As.4.1.103(100): “Le-ander,he would have lived many a fair year thoughHero had turned nun.”即使希罗当了尼姑,里安德大可以多活许多美好的年头。
△As.5.1. 24 (22): “A fair name.”很好的名字。
△Rom.1.4.39: “The game was ne’er sofair,”i.e. The game was at its best. 尽管这玩意儿再没有那么好玩。
△Rom.2.3.19:“fair use,”i.e. good usage.正当用途。
△Rom.3.2.74: “Did ever dragon keep sofair a cave?” 哪一条恶龙居住过这样美好的洞府?
△Mac. 5.7.77 (5.9.14):“Had I as many sons as I have hairs,/I would not wish them to a fairer death.”i.e.I would not wish a better death for them. 如果我有头发一样多的儿子,我也不能希望他们有更美好的死。
△1H.IV. 2. 2. 15(13):“Well,I doubt not but to die a fair death for all
2. good,satisfactory,becoming好的,令人满意的,合适的。
△Ado. 1.1. 327 (317): “The fairest grant is the necessity.” i. e. T he best boon is that which answers the necessities of the case. 最好的恩惠就是满足一个人的需要。
△1H. IV. 3. 1. 1 :“These promises are fair,”这些诺言很好。
△2H.VI.4. 6. 11 (10): “I think he hath a very fair warning.”我想他已经得到一次很好的警告。
3. of fine appearance,in fine physical condition外表美好的,健康良好的。
△As.1.1. 12: “they are fair with their feeding,”那些马都保养得很好。
4. beautiful,handsome美丽的,漂亮的。
△Mer. 2. 9. 22:“You shall look fairer ere I give or hazard.”你要我为你冒险,就应该再好看一些才是。
△Rom. 1. 1. 212 (206):“And she’s fair I love.”而且我所爱的是一位漂亮姑娘。
△Rom. 5. 1. 4: “Holy King Henry and thy fair son Edward,”神圣的国王亨利和你那英俊的儿子爱德华。
5. finely dressed穿戴漂亮的。
△Shr. 2.1. 17:“to keep you fair”,使你打扮得漂漂亮亮的。
6. becoming,honourable好看的,体面的。
△2H. IV. 4. 5.198 (199):“for what in me was purchased / Falls upon thee in a more fairer sort.”因为在我手里属于非法所得的东西,传到你头上就体面得多了。
7. pleasing讨人喜欢的。
△Mer. 2. 8. 44: “fair ostentsof love”,讨人欢心的爱情表示。
△Rom. 2. 1. 11: “Speakto my gossip Venus one fair word,”对我那位熟人维纳斯老太太说一句好听话。
△Ham. 3. 2. 126 (118):“That’s afair thought to lie between maids’legs.”躺在姑娘们的大腿中间倒是挺妙的想法。
△1H. VI. 3. 3. 18: “By fair per-suasions,mixed with sugared words,”用亲切动人的劝说,加上甜言蜜语。
8. kind,clear of offence亲切的,温和的。
△Gent.5.423: “one fair look.” 亲切的一顾。
△L. L. L. 5.2.737(729):“I thank you,gracious lords,/ For all your fair endeavours,”诸位贵人,我感谢你们一切善意的努力。
△Rom. 1 . 5. 77 (73):“Show a fair presence”,露出和和气气的表情。
△Rom. 2. 1. 27: “My invocation / Is fair and honest;”我的咒语是温和而正当的。
△1H.IV. 5.4. 49: “And showed thou makest some tender of my life / In this fair rescue thou hast brought to me.”你这次善意救出了我,表明你对于我的生命还有几分关心。
△R.III.5. 2. 6: “Lines of fair comfort and encouragement. ”充满了好意的安慰和鼓励的一封信。
9. courteous,conciliatory,satisfactory有礼貌的,和好的,令人满意的。
△H. V. 2. 4. 127:“if my father render fair return,/ It is against my will;”即使我的父王给你们个有礼貌的答复.那也是不合我的心意的。
10. (used in courteous or respectful address) good. kind,elegant,courteous,honourable(用于表示礼貌或尊敬的称呼中)好的,友好的.文雅的,彬彬有礼的,可尊敬的。
△H. V. 1. 2. 234:“Now are we well prepared to know he pleasure / Of our fair cousin Dolphin;”现在我已准备好听取我的好皇兄、法国王太子有何见教。
△Gent. 1. 2. 4:“the fair resort of gentlemen”,那一群彬彬有礼的绅士们。
△As.5.4.159 (152): “I am the second son of old SirRowland,╱ That bring these tidings to this fair as-sembly.”我是老罗兰爵士的第二个儿子,特意把消息带到这群贤毕集的地方。
△Rom. 1. 1. 213 (207):“fair coz,”好表弟。
11. favourable,approving有利的,赞成的。
△Rom. 1. 2.19: “my consent and fair according voice.”我的同意和赞成的表示。
△H.VIII. 2. 3. 74: “the fair conceit / The King hath of you.”国王对你的好感。
12. happy,prosperous幸福的,兴旺的。
△R.III. 4. 4. 352(351):“Sweetly in force,until her fair life’s end.”一直扬芬吐芳,直到她幸福一生的结束。
13. favourable,auspicious顺利的,吉利的。
△Mer. 1. 2.119 (110): “I pray God grant them a fair departure. ”求上帝保佑他们一路平安吧。
△2H.IV. 1. 3. 63: “Grant that our hopes,yet likely of fair birth,/ Should be still-born,”即使我们的希望也许会流产,其实它仍然很可能顺利实现的。
△H. V. 2. 2. 12: “Now sits the wind fair, and we will aboard.” 现在正好是顺风,我们要上船了。
△1H. VI. 2. 5. 113: “And so farewell,and fair be all thy hopes,”再见了,祝你一切顺利如愿。
14. likely to succeed很可能成功的。
△Mer. 2. 1. 20:“Yourself,renowned Prince,then stood as fair / As any comer I have looked on yet / For my affection. ”那么,声名赫赫的亲王,你和我见过的几位有同样的可以赢得我的机会。
15. certain,assured可靠的,有把握的。
△Mer. 2. 7. 18:“Men that hazard all / Do it in hope of fair advantages;”人们孤注一掷,是为了希望得到可靠的好处。
△Rom. 3.5. 182 (180):“Of fair demesnes,”有可靠的产业。
16. proper,apt恰当的,贴切的。
△L.L. L. 2. 1. 29:“fair solicitor”,恰当的代言人。
17. reasonable合理的。
△H. V. 2. 4. 144: “You shall be soon dispatched with fair conditions.”你们很快就会带着合理的条件离开的。
18. complete完全的。
△H. V. 2. 2. 21 :“We carry not aheart with us from hence / That grows not in a fairconsent with ours;”我们从这里带走的人,没有一个不是和我完全心同意合的。
19. just,equitable正义的,公正的。
△2H. IV. 5. 5. 103(97):“I like this fair proceeding of the King’s.”我很喜欢国王的这种公正的办法。
20. honourable,just光荣的,正义的。
△1H.IV. 5. 2. 87:“Now for ( = as for) our consciences. the arms are fair ╱When the intent of bearing them is just.”现在.讲到我们的良心.只要我们拿起武器的目的是正义的,这武器就是光荣的。
△3H.VI. 4.7.14: “By fair or foul means we must enter in,”不管用好的或歹的办法,我们一定要进去。
21. virtuous,pure贞洁的.纯洁的。
△Rom. 1. 1. 227(221):“She is too fair,too wise,wisely too fair,” i. e. She is too beautiful,too wise,too sensibly virtuous. 她是太美丽、太聪明,又那么聪明地守住自己的童贞。
22. fine,not dim and cloudy美好的,明朗的。
△2H.VI.5.1.30:“fair weather”,好天气。(按:详见后make fair weather释义。)
23. bright,clear明亮的.明朗的。
△Rom.2.2.15:“Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,”天上最灿烂的两颗明星。
△Lr.4.7.52 (51):“Fair daylight?” i.e. broad daylight?明亮的白昼吗?
24. plainly to be seen,clear,distinct看清的,清楚的,明确的。
△Rom. 1.1.213 (207): “A right fair mark,fair coz,is soonest hit.”好表弟,鲜明的靶子最容易射中。
25. clear,pure明净的,纯洁的。
△ Tw. 4.1.56 (52):“thy fair wisdom,”你那明晰的智慧。
△H.VIII. 3. 2. 301(300):“So much fairer / And spotless shall mine innocence arise / When the King knows my truth.”等到国王明白了我的忠诚,我的清白就会显得格外纯洁无瑕。
26. clean,untainted,unsullied洁净的.清白无瑕的,清白的。
△Oth. 4. 2. 70 (71): “Was this fair paper,thisgoodly book,/ Made to write ‘whore’ upon?”这样洁白的一张纸,这样漂亮的一个本子,难道是让人写上“娼妓”字样的吗?
△2H.IV.1.1. 205:“fair King Richard,”清白的理查王。
27. of a white complexion,pale皮肤白色的,苍白的。
△Gent.5.2.9:“She says it is a fair one.”她说那是一张苍白的脸。
Phrases & Expressions:
as fair as: just as good as saying恰恰等于说…
△1H.IV.2.1.54 (49): “That’s even as fair as ‘at hand,quoth the chamberlain’,”这恰恰等于说“茶房的话:离你不远”。(按:当时盗贼往往与旅馆伙计勾结,图谋劫人钱财。)fair action: just undertaking正义的事业。
△H.V.1.2310:“That this fair action may on foot be brought.”好把这一场正义的事业向前推动。
fair advantage: favourable opportunity有利的机会。
△1H.IV.5.1.55:“And from this swarm of fair advantages”,利用这许多有利的机会。
fair hour: favourable season好时机。
△Ham.1.2.62:“Take thy fair hour,”i.e. Make the best use of yourfavourable season. Enjoy yourself in your youth. 善用你的好时光吧。
fair influence: beneficial effect (astrological figure)(占星学的说法)庇佑,庇护。
△Gent.3.1.183:“If I be notby her fair influence / Fostered,illumined,cher-ished,kept alive.”如果没有她的佑护来滋养我,照耀我,鼓舞我,维持我活下去。
fair judgement: clear judgement,reason清晰的判断,理性。
△Ham.4.5.85: “Divided from herself and her fair judgement.”失去了她正常的理性。
fair play: just practice,honest dealing公正做法,正当交易。
△H.VIII.4.2.36: “Simony was fair play; / Hisown opinion was his law.”(“Fair play” seems to be acoinage of Shakespeare’s.)买卖圣职对他来说就是正当交易;他自己的意见就是他的法律。
fair regard: good will,kindly interest好意,友好关心。
△H.V.1.1.22: “The King is full of grace and fair regard.”国王是友好而且充满关切之意的。
fair show: splendid appearance辉煌的外观。
△H.V.4.2.16: “Do but behold yond poor and starved band,/And your fair show shall suck away their souls,” 只要看看那边的那支贫穷而饥饿的队伍,光你们这副辉煌的军容就一定把他们吓得灵魂出窍。
fair weather: clear or fine weather,not dim andcloudy晴朗天气,好天气。
△Ado.1.3.25 (23): “but bythe fair weather that you make yourself.”只有依靠你自己所制造的良好气氛。
fair yokes: i.e. the horns. alluding to the branchingantlers on Falstaff’s head漂亮的轭——指福斯塔夫头上戴的一双鹿角;角。
△Wiv.5.5.113(107): “Do not thesefair yokes / Become the forest better than the town?”这一对漂亮的鹿角扔在林子里不是比拿到城里去更合适吗?
make fair weather: i.e. be pleasant,pretend goodwill,dissemble制造好天气,(即)做出可爱的样子,佯装好意,装假。
△2H.VI.5.1.30:“But I must make fair weath-er yet awhile / Till Henry be more weak,and I morestrong.”但我必须暂时装假,等待亨利更加脆弱、我更加强大。


1. well好。
△Mer.4.1. 276 (275): “speak me fair indeath;” i.e. speak well of me,etc. 待我死后为我说句好话。
△1H.IV.2.4. 332(298): “Now,sirs,by ’r ( =our) lady,you fought fair; so did you,Peto; so did you,Bardolph.”诸位,圣母娘娘在上,你们都打得好;皮多,你打得好;巴道夫,你也打得好。
2. beautifully,finely,elegantly美丽地,美好地,优雅地。
△As.3. 2. 98 (92): “All the pictures fairest lined”,i.e. most beautifully drawn. 一幅幅描绘得最美丽的图画。
3. kindly,gently,courteously,politely,civilly亲切地.温柔地,殷勤地,礼貌地,彬彬有礼地。
△Rom.3.1.159(153): “Romeo that spoke him fair,”i.e. Romeo whospoke gently to him. 罗米欧,对他说话很客气。
△Com.3.2.11: “Look sweet,speak fair,”表面温存,甜言蜜语。
△Com.4.2.16:“Didst speak him fair?” i.e. Did youspeak to him courteously? 你也殷勤地与他说话了吗?
△Shr.1.2.183(179):“if you speak me fair”,如果你对我说话客客气气。
△Mid.2.1.199: “Do I speak youfair?”我向你说过献殷勤的话吗? 我向你说过好话吗?
△Tw5.1.193(189):“But I bespake you fair,and hurt younot.”但是我对你客客气气地说话,并没有伤害你。
△Ham.41.36:“Go seek him out,speak fair,”去把他找来,说话要和气。
△2H.VI.4.1. 120: “My gracious lord,entreathim,speak him fair.”我的好大人,快求求他,跟他好好说吧。
△2H.IV.2.1.209 (192): “This is the right fencinggrace,my lord,tap for tap,and so part fair.”i.e.This is the proper fencing style. blow for blow and so part on good terms (with a suggestion of “tit for tat isfair play”). 这就是正当的斗剑派头,针锋相对,一来一往,然后和和气气分手。
△3H.VI.1.1. 271:“I’ll write unto themand entreat them fair.”我要给他们写信,对他们好生看待
△R.III.4.4.152: “Either be patient and entreat mefair,/ Or with the clamorous report of war / Thuswill I drown your exclamations.”要稍安勿躁、好好对待我,否则我就要用轰隆隆的枪炮声把你们的叫喊淹没下去
△R.III.1.3.47: “Because I cannot flatter,and lookfair,” 只因我不会谄媚、做出殷勤的样子。 speak fair: address politely 向…有礼貌地讲话。
△3H.VI.5.4. 24: “As good to chide the waves asspeak them fair.”向狂涛巨浪大骂跟说好话是同样地无用。
4. soft,gently,still轻轻地,轻柔地,安静地。
△1H.IV.31.103 (101): “And here the smug and silver Trentshall run / In a new channel fair and evenly. ”让平滑的银色川特河能在一条新的、笔直的河道中安详地流动。
5. bright,clearly明亮地,清澈地。
△1H.IV.3.1.141(140):“The moon shines fair,you may away (i.e. goaway) by night.”月光明亮,你们今晚就可以走。
6. in good order,neatly整整齐齐地,整洁地。
△2H.VI.3.2. 11:“Have you laid fair the bed?” i.e. straightenedthe bed linen to conceal the sign of struggle. 你们把他的床上弄整齐了吗?
7. in good handwriting,legibly,in a beautiful hand工整地,字迹清楚地,书法优美地。
△Ham.5.2.31:“I sat medown,/ Devised a new commission,wrote it fair.”我就坐下来,另外造了一封国书,端端正正写了。
8. equitably,justly公平合理地,公正地。
△1H.IV.5. 1114:“We offer fair,take it advisedly.”我的提议是公正的,还是仔细考虑考虑吧。
9. successfully成功地。
△1H.IV.5.5.43: “And sincethis business so fair is done,”既然这场战争进行得这样顺利。


adj.公平 (正) 的,相当的,清楚的
adv. 公开(正)地,相当地,清楚地/ v. 天气转晴,整形/ n. 博览会,展览会,交易会,洽谈会
◇ bid fair to 有…希望,在…可能
by fair means or foul 不择手段
for fair 完全,肯定地
through fair and foul=throw foul and fair在任何情况下不管顺利或困难
‖ book fair 图书博览会
China’s Export Commodities Fair 中国出口商品交易会
commodity fair 商品展览会
consumer fair 消费者公共展览
fair and equal treatment 公平及平等待遇
fair and honest 公正廉洁
fair and reasonable price 公平合理价格
fair and sensible 合情合理
fair and square 正大光明,光明磊落
fair ball 界内球
fair-batted fly 合法击出的腾空球
fair catch 成功的接球,直接接球,合法接球
fair charge 合理冲撞
fair comment 公正评论
fair competition (with)公平竞争
fair competition rules 公平竞争规约
fair conduct 光明正大的行为
fair copy清稿
Fair Deal 公平施政
fair dealing 公平交易
fair dismissal 正当解雇
fair fly 界内腾空球
fair go 公平比赛
fair ground 界内场地,游乐园
fair hit 击出界内球
fair inbuying and selling 买卖公平
fair judgement明断
fair lady works at the shuttle 玉女穿梭
fair lead 导索器,导索片
fair market competition 公平市场竞争
fair market price 公平市价
fair market value 公平市值,公平市场价格,合理市价
fair play 公平对待,公平合理的处理(态度),公平竞争,合法动作,合法比赛,公平比赛,正当打法
fair play trophy 风格奖
fair price 公道价格,价格公平
fair rate of profit 公平利润率
fair rate of return公平收益率
fair seeming 似是而非的
fair shake 公平交易
fair speed 较高的速度
fair territory 界内场地
fair trade 公平贸易,集市贸易
fair trade registration 公平交易法规
fair transactions 公平交易
fair valuation 合理估价
fair valuation 合理估价
fair value 公平价格,合理价格
fair wear and tear 正常损耗
industrial fair 工业博览会
international fair 国际博览会
international trade fair 国际商贸博览会
leather fair 皮革展览会
mixed trade-consumer fair 综合性展览
science fair科学展览
trade fair 商品交易会
world’s fair 世界博览会
faired adj. 流线形的
fairground n.举行赛会的场所,露天市场,举行赛会的场所
fairground theatre 临时露天剧场
fairing n.整流,整形,流线型
fairish adj.相当,不错的
fairlight n. 气窗,晴朗,十分
fairly adv.公正地,公平地
fairly sensitive conscience 非常敏感的良知
fair-minded adj.公正的,公平的,无偏见的
fairminded public opinion 公正的舆论
fair-mindedness n.公正,公平,无偏见
fairness n. 公平
fairness doctrine 公正原则
fair-price shop 平价商店
fair-trade adj.公平贸易的
fairway n.航道,水路,球道
fairway wood 球道用的木杆
fair-weather adj. 晴天的





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