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单词 possible
释义 possible /'posabl; 'pasabl/ adj 1 that can be done; that can exist or happen: 可能的; 可能存在或发生的: Come as quickly as ~. 尽快来。 Fro t is ~, though not probable, even at the end of May. 即使在五月底,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性不大。 Are you insured against all ~ risks? 你投保了一切可能发生的危险吗? 2 that is reasonable or satisfactory: 合理的; 令人满意的: a ~ answer to a problem, one that may be accepted, though not, perhaps, the best. 对于一个问题较合理的解答。 He is the only ~ man for the position. 他是该职位唯一合适的人选。 “ ~ person or thing: 可能的人或物: A trial game was arranged between ~s and probables. 预备队员之间安排了一次预赛。 poss-ibly /-abli; -abh/ adv 1 in accordance with what is ~: 可能地: I will come as soon as I possibly can. 我盛可能早来。 Can you possibly lend me £5? 你可能借我五赫钱吗? 2 perhaps: 或者; 或许; 也许:'旳 they put your salary up?' — 'Possibly.' 施们会提高你的新水吗? '——' 也许会。'




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