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单词 portion
释义 portion /'pafn; 'porfan/ n 1 part, esp a share, (to be) given when sth is distributed: U份; (尤指某物被分配时之)一份:( of a railway ticket) this ~ to be given up; (指火车票)此联须厂回; ( of a railway train) the through ~ for Liverpool, the coaches for Liverpool (passengers in which will not need to change trains); (指火车)克达利物浦的一部份车厢; a marriage ~, dowry. 嫁资; 妆奁。 2 quantity of any kind of food served in a restaurant: (餐馆食物的)一份: a generous ~ of roast duck. 一大份毎祐。 3 (sing) one's lot or fate: (单)命运: Brief life is here our 短暂的人生是我们今世的命运。口 1 [VP15B] ~ sth out (among/ between), divide into ~s, share. 分配。 2 [VP14] ~ sth to sb, provide a ~ of (sth to sb). 把任物)之一份给某人。




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