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❶ (遍布; 充满) overflow; fill: ~ 漫 fill the air
❷ (填满; 填补) fill: ~ 缺 fill a vacancy Ⅱ (满) full; whole: ~ 月 (of a infant) full month; ~ 年 whole year Ⅲ (更加) more: 老而 ~ 坚 become more firm as one grows old; 欲盖 ~ 彰 try to cover sth. up only to make it more conspicuous Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子瑕 Mi Zixia
◆弥补 make up; remedy; make good; offset; repara ̄ tion; 弥缝 fill cracks; cover up mistakes; 弥合 close; bridge; 弥勒 Maitreya; 弥留 [书] be dying; 弥漫 suffuse; pervade; veil; fill the air; spread all over the place; 弥撒 Mass; mass; 弥散 diffusion; dispersion; confusion; 弥天大谎 palpable lies; a downright lie; a falsehood without a modicum of truth in it; a monstrous [big; blatant; gross; thundering; a glaring] lie; a story made up out of whole cloth; a swinging [an outrageous] lie; 弥天大罪 a crime that fills the [cries to] heaven — an extraordinary crime; (be) guilty of a heinous crime; heinous crime; monstrous crime; one's sins fill the sky; terrible crimes; towering crimes





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