单词 | positive |
释义 | positive /'pozativ; 'pazativ/ adj 1 definite; sure; leaving no room for doubt: 确定的; 确实的; 无疑的: give a man ~ orders/instructions; 给某人明确的命令(指示); ~ knowledge. 确定的知识。 2 (of persons) quite certain, esp about opinions: (指人)极有把握的; 确信的(尤指在见解上): Are you ~ (that) it was after midnight? 你能断定是在午夜后(发生的) 吗? Can you be ~ about what you saw? 你能确定你所见到的是真的吗? 3 practical and constructive; that definitely helps: 实际而有建设性的; 确有助益的: a ~ suggestion; 积极的建议; ~ help; 实际的帮助; ~ criticism. 建设性的批评。 4 (colloq) downright; out and out: (U)完全的; 彻底的: That man is a - fool/nuisance. 那家伙是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜(讨厌鬼)。 It's a ~ crime to drink and drive. 醉酒驾车成郭有罪。 5 (maths) greater than zero: (KD)L的; 正数的: the ~ sign (+). 正号。 6 (of electricity) of the sort produced by rubbing glass with silk; of the sort caused by deficiency of electrons: (指电)阳; 正: a ~ charge. 阳电荷; 正电荷。 ~ pole, anode. 阳极。 7 (photo) showing light and shadows as in nature, not reversed (as in a negative). (AM) 正片的。 8 (gram, of adj and adv) of the simple form, not the comparative or superlative. (文法. 指形容词及副词)原级的(非比较级或最高级的)。 n ~ degree, adjective, quantity, etc; photograph printed from a (negative) plate or film. 原级; 原级形容词; 正量; 正数; (照相之)正片。 ~ly adv definitely; certainly. 确京地; 断林地; 绝对地? ness n [U] confidence. 确实; 确信。 |
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