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单词 compound
compoundadj & n /′kɒmpaʊnd, AmE ′kɑ:m-/; v /kəm′pɑʊnd/ [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

adj (1)复(化)合物(consisting of two or more separable partsingredientssubstanceselementsetc)[无comp][作attrib]:~eyes/leaves复眼/叶;a~substance复合物;~interest/fracture复利/穿破性骨折;Bronze is a~metal made of copper and tin.青铜是铜和锡的合金。〖同〗combined,complex;〖反〗uncompounded,single,simple;

(2)复合(合成)的((of a word or sentence)consisting of two or more main parts)[无comp](gram):~sentences/words/prepositions/nouns并列句/合成词/合成介词/合成名词;

n (1)复合物(thing consisting of two or more separate partsingredients mixed together)[C]:This cough mixture is a~of honey,glycerine and orange juice.这种咳嗽药水是蜂蜜、甘油和橘子汁的混合物。The fragrance filling the bakery shop was a~of fresh bread,apple pie and chocolate.面包店里洋溢着的香味是新鲜面包、苹果酱和巧克力的混合香味。〖同〗combination,composition,mixture,blend;

(2)化合物(unmixed substance consisting of two or more elements chemically combined)[C]:Water is a~of hydrogen and oxygen.水是氢和氧的化合物。a chemical~化合物;〖同〗composition;

(3)合成词(word consisting of two or more other words or parts of word and forming a single unit with its own meaning)[U]:Manpower and man-eater are noun~s(or~nouns). manpower和man-eater是合成名词。

v (1)使……合成(mix or combine(various partsingredientsqualitiesetc)together to form a whole)[T+nT+n+prep((in)to)]:~a medicine合成一种药;~various substances into a medicine把各种物质合成一种药;~several elements to form the antidote把几种元素化合成解毒剂;The two chemicals were~ed together in a specially constructed machine.这两种化学药品在一特制的机器中合成在一起。〖同〗combine,blend,mix;〖反〗separate,divide,part;

(2)(用……)合成(make sth by mixing or combining various partsingredientsqualitiesetc)[T+nT+n+prep(of/from)通常pass]:a medicine~ed of herbs由药草合成的药;~a new medicine from drugs用药物合成的一种新药;The pain-killing drug was~ed of two different chemicals.这种止痛药由两种化学药品合成。Her charm was~ed of beauty and kindness.(fig)她的魅力是美貌与温柔相结合形成的。Her character was~ed of meanness and generosity.(fig)她的特点是既吝啬又慷慨。The room's stuffy atmosphere was~ed of dark walls,heavy draperies and old fringed lamps.房间内令人窒息的气氛是由黑乎乎的四壁、厚重的帘帐和垂着饰边的灯所造成的。

(3)加重,使更糟(make(sth bad)worse by adding further harm to it)[T+n,常pass](fml):(speeder)~his mistake by arguing with the policeman(超速驾车者)和警察争辩更加重了他的错误;(suspect)~his crime by beating the guard before he left(嫌疑人)离开前打了卫兵,这更加重了他的罪行;The misery of his loneliness was ~ed now by his poverty.他原来就孤苦伶丁,现在又贫困潦倒。His uncertainty was~ed now by his fear.他原来就犹豫不决,现在又担惊受怕。〖同〗add to,increase;〖反〗lessen,decrease;

(4)达成协议,解决债务(reach an agreement(esp over matters of money); settle(a debtetc))[II+prepT+n]:~with one's creditors for a postponement of payment/on the basis that one would pay them a certain amount each month与债权人谈好了推迟付款/每月付给他们一定数量的钱款;

(5)私了(agree not to reveal(a crime),thus seeming not to disapprove of it)[T+n]:guilty of~ing a felony 犯有对重罪案件私了罪;

【辨异】compound combination 的区别见 COMBINATION。





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