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单词 请君入瓮

请君入瓮qǐng jūn rù wèng

kindly step into the vat—have a taste of what you have intended for others; use sb’s own argument; walk into a snare oneself
❍ 宝琴笑道: “~”。(《红楼梦》796) Baoqin quipped,“Please get into the jar,sir!”/我可以立刻回答: 当然是要的,然而尚早。这就是 “~” 法。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—57) I can answer this at once:Of course we do,but not yet. This is using their own argument.
❍ 他向来是惯叫农民来钻他的圈套的,真不料这回是演了一套“~”的把戏。(茅盾《子夜》220) He had become so used to setting traps for peasants all these years that it came as rather a shock to him to find he had walked into a snare himself.

请君入瓮qing jun ru weng

kindly step into the vat yourself—hoist sb.with his own petard


❶kindly step into the vat;have a taste of what you intended for others
❷Measure for Measure(莎士比亚名剧,亦译作《一报还一报》)

请君入瓮qǐnɡ jūn rù wēnɡ

瓮:指陶制的大坛子。比喻拿某人整治他人的手法来整治他自己。try what you have devised against others, kindly step into the vat, have a taste of what you intended for others, hoist sb. with his own petard





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