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单词 view
释义 view1 /vju:; vju/ n 1 [U] state of seeing or being seen; field of vision: 看或被看; 观察; 视野; 视域; 眼界: Clouds came down and the hill tops passed from our ~, could no longer be seen. 云层笼罩了 . 下来,我们看不见山顶了。加 ~ of. considering, taking into account: 鉴于; 由于: In ~ of the facts, it seems useless to continue. 由这些事实看来,继续下去似乎是无效果的。 in full ~ of, fully seen by: 完全被看到: The speaker stood in full ~ of the crowd, could see them and could be seen by them. 那演说者站在群众可以完全看得见的地方。 ~,being shown or exhibited: 陈列着; 展览着: The latest summer fashions are now on ~ in the big shops. 最新的夏装款式现在正在大的商店中展示着。 come into ~, become visible: (就外界事物言) 进入视野; 被看见; 被看到: As we rounded the bend the lake came into ~. 我们转过觉,那湖泊就呈现在我们的眼前。 come in ~ of. be able to see: (就本身言) 能够看见 As we rounded the bend, we came in ~ of the lake. 我们转过骨,就看见了那湖泊。 2 [C] (picture, photograph, etc of) natural scenery, landscape, etc: 天然景色; 风景; 风景画; 风景相片等: a house with fine ~s over valleys and mountains; 面山临谷风景隹美的房子; an album of eg photographs. 风景照片 (画片) 簿。 3 [C] opportunity to see or inspect sth; occasion when there is such an opportunity: 看到或考察某事物的机会; 此种场合或时际: a private ~, eg of paintings, before public exhibition. (正式展览前的) 预展。 4 [C] personal opinion; mental attitude; thought or observation (on a subject): 个人的意见; 对某事的态度; 对某一问题的想法或见解: She had/expressed strong ~s on the subject of equal pay for men and women. 在男女同酬这一问题上, 她具有 (表现出) 坚强的态度。 Your ~s on the situation are not helpful. 你对于这一情势的见解于事无补。 He holds extreme ~s, eg in politics. 他持极端的态度 (如在政治上) 。 He took a poor ~ of my conduct, regarded it unfavourably. 他对于我而行为不以为然。 fall in with/meet sb's ~s, agree with, accept, his ideas, opinions, etc. 同意 (接受) 某人的观念,意见等。 5 aim; intention; purpose. 目标; 意图; 目的。 with a/the ~ to/of, with the intention or hope: 打算要; 有意要; 系望; 为了: with a ~ to facilitating research; 为了便利研究; with the ~ of saving trouble. 为了普却麻烦。 6 (compounds) (复合字) , ~ point, point of ~, Qpoint1 (4). finder n device in a camera showing the area, etc that will be photographed through the lens. (照相机上的) 取景器 (显示摄人镜头之范围者) 。




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