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单词 thread
释义 thread /0red; Bred/ n 1 [C, U] (length of) spun cotton, silk, flax, wool, etc esp for use in sewing and weaving: (一段)线; 细丝; 纤维(尤指用于缝纫及劫织者): a reel of silk ~; 一卷丝线; a needle and ~; 针线; gold ~, ~ with gold wire wound round it. 金线。 hang by a ~, (fig) be in a dangerous or precarious state. (G) 千钓一发; 势如累卵; 处境危殆。 2 sth very thin, suggesting a ~: 线状物: 4 ~ o/ light came through the keyhole. 从钥匙孔射出来一线光亮。 3 chain or line (connecting pass a ~ through the eye of beads, etc) thus: 穿线于(针)孔; 以线穿起(珠子、珍珠等); 以线穿成(珠錬等): ~ a film, put it in place (eg in a cine-projector, ready for showing it on a screen). 装妥影片(以待放映等)。 2 [VP15A] ~ 。ne's way through, find, pick, one's way (through a crowd, streets, etc). 挤过(人丛等); 穿过(街道等)。 3 (of hair) streak: (指头发)杂有的魂丝: black hair ~ed with silver, with streaks of silver hair in it. 杂有银丝的黑发。' ~ bare/-be?(r); -,ber/ adj 1 (of cloth) worn thin; shabby: (指布)磨薄的; 褴褛的: a ~ bare coat. 褛褛的上衣。 2 (fig) much used and therefore uninteresting or valueless; hackneyed: (喻)陈腐的; 无趣的; 用旧的: ~ bare jokes/argu-ments. 陈旧的笑话(议论)。 '~like adj resembling a ~; long and slender. 像线的; 细长的。




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