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单词 避重就轻

避重就轻bì zhòng jiù qīng

avoid a difficult task;avoid the important (/vital/crucial) point and dwell on the trivial (/pursue the insignificant); choose the lighter task; evade serious matters and take up trifles; get off lightly by admitting a minor offence;keep silent about the major charges while admitting the minor ones;shirk the hard work and take the easy job; take up the minor issue to evade the major one/“你分明是想暗杀干部”,陈大春驳斥他说,“阴谋败露了,就~”。(周立波《山乡巨变》211)“It’s obvious you intended to murder a cadre,and now your scheme’s been exposed,you’re trying to get off lightly by admitting a minor offence,” argued Dachun.
❍ 想是忒闹得不好,恐将来弄出大祸,所以借了一件失察的事情参的,倒是~的意思,也未可知。(《红楼梦》1325)Maybe things were getting so out of hand he was afraid there might be some big scandal and therefore accused him of negligence to get him off more lightly.


avoid the important and dwell on the trivial;evade major responsibility and take the minor;keep silent about major charges while admitting minor ones

避重就轻bì zhònɡ jiù qīnɡ

避开较重的,只拣较轻的来做。也指回避主要问题,只谈次要的问题。avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, evade major responsibility and take minor, take up the minor issue to evade the major one





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