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单词 threaten
释义 threaten /retn; 'Sretv/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 17] ~ sth; ~ sb (with sth) : ~ to do sth, announce sth, using a threat; be a threat of sth to sb; use a threat (of sth) against sb: 恐吓; 威胁; 威胁着要; 扬言要: ~ an employee with dismissal; 用开革成胁一位雇员; ~ on enemy; 恐吓敌人; ~ to murder sb. 扬言要谋杀某人。 They ~ed revenge. 他们扬言要报复。 The race was ~ed with extinction. It seemed possible that all people of this race would die. 这种族有灭绝之虞。 2 [VP6A, 2A] give warning of: 预示;有…朕兆: The clouds ~ed rain. 这鸟云预示有雨。 It ~s to rain. 天有下雨之势。 3 [VP2A] seem likely to occur or come: 似有发生或素临的可能; 似将发生; 可能来临: Knowing that danger ~ed, the sentry kept an extra careful watch. 因为知道随时有危险发生,那岗哨特别注意戒备。 ~ly adv




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