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单词 revenge
释义 revenge /n'vendj; ri'ven6z/ vt 1 [VP6A] do sth to get satisfaction for (an offence, etc to oneself or another): 报仇; 报复: ~ an injustice/insult; 对不公(侮辱) 采取报复; ~ one's friend, inflict injury (deliberately) on the person who injured one's friend. 为朋夭声仇。 2 be ~d on sb; ~ oneself on sb, get satisfaction by deliberately inflicting injury in return for injury inflicted on oneself. 向某 X 报仇。 → avenge. n [U] 1 deliberate infliction of injury upon the person(s) from whom injury has been received: 报仇; 报复: thirsting for ~; 渴望报仇雪恨; nurse thoughts of ~. 蓄意报仇。 get/take one's ~; 报仇; take ~ on sb (for sth); have/get one's ~ (on sb) (for sth); (为某事)向(某人)报仇; do sth in/out of ~ (for sth). (为…)报复地做某事(出于报复而做某事)。 2 [U] vindictiveness. 报复心; 报仇之欲望。 3 (in sport) opportunity given for reversing an earlier result by a return match, etc. (运动中)由再次比赛等而获得转败为胜的机会; 雪耻的机会。 gs sb his ~; 给某人雪耻的机会; get/taka one's ~. 尽雪前耻。 ~ /-fl; -fl/ adj feeling or showing a desire for ~. 复仇心的菠现复仇心的。 ~ /-fall; -fsu/adv




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