释义 |
度日如年dù rì rú niánone (/every) day is (/seems) like a year; days wear (/drag) on like years;the days pass heavily; time hangs heavy (/heavily)on one’s hands ❍ 宋江道: “军师之言甚当,只是卢员外和石秀兄弟,陷在缧绁,~,只望我等弟兄来救。”(《水浒全传》812) But Song Jiang answered,“Sir Counselor,although what you have said is true enough,yet there are our brothers Lu Junyi and Shi Xiu suffering in the gaol and a day for them is as though a year passed and they do but hope for us,their brothers,to come and save them…/我如今不知便罢; 既是天教我知了,正是~,燃眉之急。(《水浒全传》433) If I had not known today that my father was dead,then it would not have mattered. But since Heaven has commanded me to know it truly a day is like a year,and it is as though a fire burned my brows. ❍ 朝夕厄苦,度日如岁。(《聊斋志异·陈云栖》1499) Every day I suffer and each day seems like a year. ❍ 妾~,愿君怜而救之。(《三国演义》70) Every day is a year long. O pity me! Rescue me!/哥哥在高唐州界上,~。(《水浒全传》669) But in that encampment about the city of Gaotang Zhou it is as though in every day they lived a year. 度日如年dù rì rú nián过一天如同过一年一般长。比喻时间过得太慢。one’s day seems like a year, the days drag on like years, days pass heavily, see the days creep by like years |