度德量力duó dé liàng lìestimate (/consider)one’s own moral and material strength; make an appraisal of one’s own position ❍ 不度德,不量力,不亲亲,不微辞,……(《左传·隐十一年》)Its lord did not consider the virtue of his opponent; he did not estimate his own strength,he did not cherish the regard which he should have done to his relatives; he made no examination into the language which was causing the strife;…/度德而处之,量力而行之,相时而动,无累后人,……(《左传·隐十一年》)His arrangement of affairs was according to his measurement of his virtue; his action proceeded on the estimate of his strength; his movements were according to the exigency of the times:—so as not to embarrass those who should follow him. 度德量力duó dé liànɡ lì度:量。从道义和力量上估量自己。estimate one’s own moral and material strength, make an appraisal of one’s own position |