座zuòⅠ ❶ (坐位) seat; place: 汽车的前后 ~ the front or back seat of a car; 就 ~ take one's place [seat] ❷ (放在器物底下垫着的东西) base; stand; pedestal: 盆 ~ pot stand; 阀 ~ valve base; 支 ~ pedestal for a body ❸ {天} (星座) constellation: 大熊 ~ the Great Bear; 天琴 ~ Lyra Ⅱ (多用于较大或固定的物体): 一 ~ 桥 a bridge; 两 ~ 塔 two pagodas; 几 ~ 小山 several hills ◆座标 {数} coordinate; 座舱 cabin; cockpit; 座舱盖 {航空} canopy; 座次 order of seats; seating arrangements; 座号 a seat number; 座圈 race; ring; {机} bezel; 座上客 guest of honour; honoured guest; 座谈 have an informal discussion; 座位 seat; place; 座无虚席 All seats are occupied.; There are no empty seats.; 座椅 seat; 座右铭 motto; maxim; 座钟 table clock; desk clock; 座子 stand; pedestal; base; saddle |