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单词 would
would/wʊd,wəd/ aux v

(1)表示现在的假设(indicating the present unreal consequence)[would+v]:If I were you,I~n't worry too much.如果我是你,我不会太焦虑。If he came, I~n't be surprised. 如果他来,我不会惊讶。 What~you do if you won a million pounds? 如果你赢了百万英镑,你怎么办? Did he sleep,I~wake him up. 要是他睡了,我就把他叫醒。He~if he could. 如果他能办,他会办的。A picnic~n't be any fun without you. 没有你,野餐就没有意思了。W~n't it be simpler to chop it down? 把它砍掉不是更简单吗?She'd be a fool to do it. 她要是干,那她就是个傻瓜。

(2)表示过去的假设(indicating the past unreal consequence)[would +have+pp]:If you had asked,he~have apologized. 如果你要求了,他也许会向你道歉。Had I seen the advertisement I~have applied for the job. 我要是看见了广告,就会申请那份工作了。But for our luck,we~have been dead. 要不是幸运,我们也许早就没命了。I~have preferred to stay at home. 我本来是要待在家里的。I~n't have thought it possible. 我本来会想到这是不可能的。Denial/Refusal~have been useless.否认/拒绝也没有用。

(3)用以提出客气的请求、邀请(used to make polite requests or invitation):W~you tell her that her boy friend phoned/lend me your pencil? 请你告诉她她的男友来过电话好吗?/请借给我你的铅笔好吗? W~you hold this for me,please? 请您给我拿着好吗? W~you like to come/see the movie? 你愿意来/看这部电影吗? Put the light on,Tom,~you? 汤姆,打开电灯好吗?

(4)表示看法、评论(showing an opinion or idea or giving comments on sth):I~imagine the trip will take about an hour. 我猜想这次旅途大概需要一个小时左右吧。I think you'd agree/mind my going. 我以为你会同意的/介意我走的。I felt confident that everything~be all right. 我肯定一切都会顺利的。You~expect it to be finished,~n't you? 你期待它会完成,对吗? There were more than one who~have expected. 不只一个人期待过。That's just what he~say/think. 他就是爱说这种话/这么想。That's exactly like him — he~lose the key! 那就是他,总是丢钥匙!

(5)表达意愿(showing one's preferences)(与like、love、prefer、hate、be glad/happy等连用):I'd love/like a coffee. 我倒想喝杯咖啡。I'd hate you to think I were a fool. 我可不愿意让你觉得我是个傻瓜。I'd be only too glad to help. 我非常愿意帮忙。

(6)表示猜测或能力(indicating imagination or ability of sth):That~be last month/his father,I think. 我想那是上个月的事/他的父亲。I thought you~have finished it by now. 当时我想你到现在可能就干完了。The door~n't open. 门就是打不开。The wound~n't heal. 伤口就是不愈合。It just~n't bolt on. 它就是插不上。

would that 但愿:W~that we had seen him before he died. 他死之前我们要是见他一面该有多好。I~/W~that I were you! 但愿我是你! 〖同〗wish,hope





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