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单词 with
with/wɪ ð, wɪθ/ prep

(1)和……在一起(in the presence or company of):dance/talk~sb 和某人跳舞/谈话;stand/stay/be~sb 和某人站在/待在/在一起; live~one's parents/one's children 与父母/孩子们住在一起; spend time/go on holiday/discuss the family matters~the children 和孩子们一起度时光/度假/讨论家事;be at ease~peers 与同辈人在一起感到自在;escape from the fire~one's life 活着从大火中逃了出来;Put this book~the others. 把这本书和别的书放在一起。The man walked down the road~a dog. 那个人带着一条狗走上了公路。mix roses~fern/powder~boiling water/flour~milk 把玫瑰花与羊齿植物/洗衣粉与开水/面粉与牛奶混合在一起;

(2)由……照管(看)(in the charge or keeping of): trust sb~a secret 告诉某人一个秘密;She left the letter/a message/her address~his secretary. 她把信/便条/她的地址交给了他的秘书。The decision rests/is~you. 由你决定。Your secret is safe~me. 我为你保密。Leave your little dog/the baby~me while you go out on holiday. 你外出度假可把你的小狗/小孩留给我照看。All the property remained~his wife after he died. 他死后把所有的财产都留给了他妻子。

(3)(带)着(having or possessing): a man~a moustache/dark glasses/a scar/a hurt expression/a knowledge of European markets 一个留胡子/戴墨镜/有伤疤/表情痛苦/熟悉欧洲市场的男子;paint a girl~a pigtail 画一个梳辫子的女孩;a book~green cover 一本绿封皮的书;a lamp~a red shade 带有红色灯罩的一盏灯;a well-known bank~over 200 branches 有200多家分行的著名银行;lose the purse~thirty dollars in it 丢了一个装有30美元的钱包;We want a room~two beds. 我们想要一个双人房间。come~good news 带来了好消息;stood there~hat on 带着帽子站在那里;The equipment comes~instructions and a guarantee. 设备到货,附带说明书和保修单。He was covered~mud. 他浑身都是泥。Her eyes filled~tears. 她的眼里充满泪水。

(4)(使,采)用(using or by means of): soldiers equipped~modern weapons 用现代化武器装备起来的战士们; beat the dog off/make a hole~a stick 用棍子把狗打跑/捅个洞; cut sth~a knife/the scissors 用刀把某物切开/用剪子把某物剪开; eat~a fork 用叉子吃东西; fight~a sword 用剑作战; be killed~an arrow 被箭刺死; listen~one's ears 用耳朵听; brush back one's hair~his hand 用手向后理头发; cover sb~a blanket 用一条毯子把某人盖上; What will you buy~the money? 你用这钱买什么?The photo was taken~a cheap camera. 照片是用廉价相机拍的。The children's school bags are stuffed/loaded~heavy books. 孩子们的书包装满了沉重的书。the field covered~snow 被雪覆盖的田地; fill the bowl~sugar/water 把这个碗装满糖/水;a bus crammed~people 一辆挤满了人的公共汽车;

(5)支持,赞成,与……一致(in support or favour of):I got him~us in thinking we're right/in our fight against cruelty to animals. 我使他认为我们是正确的/支持我们反对虐待动物的斗争。Are you~me or against me? 你支持还是反对我? Some of the Opposition MPs voted~the government. 一些反对派的下院议员投票支持政府。He is~us on that/on this issue/all the way. 在那件事情上/在这个问题上/从始至终他和我们的意见一致。His statement doesn't agree~what he said yesterday. 他的发言和他昨天讲的不一致。

(6)对立,反对(against): play tennis/wrestle~an opponent 与对手打网球/角力;fight/argue/quarrel~sb 与某人打架/辩论/口角;have a fight/a race/a quarrel/a row~sb 与某人打架/赛跑/吵架/争吵;compete/be in competition~foreign business 与国外贸易竞争;be at war~a country 与一个国家打仗;

(7)因为,由于(because or considering the fact of): be in bed~a bad cold/flu/a desperate illness 因感冒/流行性感冒/重病卧床; be white~terror/anger/horror 吓/气/吓得脸色发白; be numb/blue~cold 冻得发木/脸发青; flush~delight/pleasure 喜悦得/快乐得满面红光; tremble/shake~fear 吓得发抖; sing~joy/excitement 高兴/兴奋得唱起来; I was overwhelmed/My hands are rough~work. 我被工作压垮了/我的手因干活变得很粗糙。The grass was wet~rain/dew. 草被雨水/露水打湿了。The road was blocked~snow/a car accident. 路因大雪/车祸阻塞了。W~Tom away,we've got more room. 汤姆走了,我们有更多的空间了。I can't go out~all these dishes to wash/my mother being ill. 因为所有的盘子还没洗/我妈妈病了,我不能出去。

(8)在……(情况,条件)下(in the manner or under the condition of): do sth~ease/pleasure/extraordinary energy 安心地/高高兴兴地/以超常的精力做某事;gaze at (look at)sb~fear/mistrust/genuine surprise 用害怕/不信任/完全惊奇的眼神盯着(看着)某人; greet sb~a smile 微笑着欢迎某人; welcome sb~open arms 张开双臂迎接某人; speak~care/tenderness/discretion 小心/亲切/谨慎地说;W~a wave of her hand she was gone. 她把手一挥就走了。fight~courage 勇敢地战斗; ran~effort 竭力地跑; perform~skill 熟练地表演; These files can be inspected by the computer~great accuracy and speed. 这些文件可以用计算机以极高的精确性很快检查完。W~her permission,he left. 得到她的允许他离开了。sleep~one's eyes open/the light on 睁着眼/开着灯睡觉;sit~one's head bent/one's arms folded/one's hands in his pockets/one's son in his arm 低着头/抱着双臂/双手插在口袋里/抱着儿子坐着;

(9)与……方向一致(in the same direction as): bend~the wind 顺风倒;be carried along~the crowd 被人群拥挤着向前;sail~the wind 顺风航行; swim~the tide 顺潮游泳; The dead body was drifting~the current. 死尸顺水飘流。

(10)随着(at the same time and rate as): W~the approach of Christmas/winter,it turned colder. 随着圣诞节/冬季的到来,天气变冷了。Her hair became grey/The feeling had but deepened~the passing of the years. 随着岁月的流逝,她的头发变白了/感触更深了。Wisdom comes~experience/practice. 智慧随着经验/实践一起增长。His earnings increases~his power. 他的收入随着权力的上升而增加。His avarice increases~his wealth. 随着财富的增加他越来越贪婪。grow older~the hours 随着时间的流逝变得越来越老; The pressure varies~the depth. 压力随深度而变化。The size of the balloon increases~the temperature. 气球的体积随着温度的升高而增大。This wine improves~age. 这种酒越陈越醇。

(11)对(关)于(concerning or in the case of):(be)patient/gentle/frank/good/angry/satisfied/disappointed/furious/annoyed~sb 对某人有耐心/有礼貌/直言不讳/好/生气/满意/失望/大发雷霆/恼怒; be careful~one's words 说话小心; be free~one's money 花钱很随便; be pleased~sb/one's new car/the result 对某人/自己的新车/结果满意; get fed up~washing-ups 对洗餐具感到厌倦; Such mistakes would be impossible~a trained worker.受过训练的工人是不可能犯这种错误的。at peace/in love~sb 与某人和睦相处/爱上某人; agree~sb's suggestion/what sb said 同意某人的建议/某人说的话; What shall I do~these books? 这些书我怎么处理? I can do nothing~the child. 我对这孩子无能为力。What can she want~him? 她能要他做什么呢? What's wrong/the matter~you? 你怎么了? The trouble~the machine/the car is that there is a lack of care. 这台机器/这辆车的问题是保养不善。There's some difficulty~this new timetable. 执行这个新的时间表有困难。He has a lot of influence/carries a lot of weight~the president. 他对总统的影响很大/起着举足轻重的作用。

(12)包括(including):(sth)come to/be/cost $5~tax(某物)连税共计/是/花了五美元; sentence sb to five years' imprisonment~hard labour 判某人服五年徒刑加劳役;W~the petrol,the holiday cost us $200. 加上汽油费,假期我们花了200美元。W~wine/drinks/a tip,the meal cost me $30. 那顿饭连酒/饮料/小费花了我30美元。His money,~his wife's,comes to a million. 他的钱,加上他妻子的钱,共计100万。

(13)是……成员,受雇于(in the membership or employment of): John has been~his company/a publishing company for 25 years. 约翰在他的公司/一家出版公司工作了25年。They are salesmen~ICI/are~the same bank. 他们是帝国化学工业公司的推销员/是同一个银行的客户。act~a Shakespeare company/a repertory company 在一个莎士比亚剧团/定期轮换剧目的剧团里演出;

(14)分离(being separate from):break~the past/the family 与过去/家庭决裂;part~a friend/the money 和朋友分手/分着花钱;dispense~formalities 免除礼节;split~sb 和某人分手;I've finished~these tools/this book. 我用完了这些工具/看完了这本书。The new system represents a complete break~tradition. 新体系表现了与传统的彻底决裂。

(15)尽管;虽然(in spite of):Very similar,~one important difference. 虽然差异较大,但极其相似。I like the job~all its disadvantage. 虽然这件工作有很多不如意之处,可我喜欢干。W~all his faults/rough manners, he is really frank and honest. 虽然他有缺点/举止粗俗,但他很直率诚实。W~all your advantage/boasting/learning/talent, you are not a success. 尽管你很有优势/很会吹牛/很有学问/很有才干,但你不是一个成功者。W~all his money/fortune/wealth, he is still unhappy. 尽管他有钱/运气好/很富有,可他并不幸福。We stopped for a break,~another five miles to cover before night. 尽管天黑前还要再走五里路,我们还是停下来歇了歇。

(16)(表示强烈的愿望)(having strong wishes or commands): Away~old ideas/him! 让旧观念见鬼去吧/让他出去! Down~fascism/tyrants! 打倒法西斯/暴君! Into the dustbin~all this junk! 把这些破烂儿统统扔到垃圾箱里去! Off to bed~you! 睡觉去! Off~your cap/your shirt! 把帽子/衬衣脱下来! On~the dance/your coat! 继续跳舞吧/穿上外衣! Up~Manchester United! 曼彻斯特联队必胜!

be with sb 1)明白(infml): I am not~what you said. 我不明白你说的是什么?2)怀孩子: The unmarried woman is~child. 那女人未婚先孕。

with (a) bad/good grace 不情愿/情愿地;没有/有礼貌地:He took defeat~(a) bad grace. 他不情愿地接受了失败。She accepted his apology~(a) good grace. 她有礼貌地接受了他的歉意。

with this/that 紧接着;随即: He gave me a smile and~this he left the room. 他对我一笑离开了房间。She said nothing and~that she turned down the TV. 她没说什么就关上了电视。

【辨异】with by through 的区别见BY。





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