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单词 盛行一时

盛行一时shèng xíng yī shí

become current; be exceedingly popular; be in vogue for a time; prevail for a time
❍ 盛时彦 (《姑妄听之》跋) 述其语曰,《聊斋志异》~,然才子之笔,非著书者之笔也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》183) Thus Sheng Shiyan,in a postscript to Chi Yun’s Believe it or Not,quotes him as saying:The Strange Tales of Liaozhai is exceedingly popular,but while this is the work of a talented man it is not the way a serious scholar should write.
❍ 其先又有《施公案》,同时则有《彭公案》一类的小说,也~。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》309) The Cases of Lord Shi and The Cases of Lord Peng were both widely read.


be in vogue (or fashion)for a time;be all the rage at the moment;prevail for a time;be rife or rampant

盛行一时shènɡ xínɡ yī shí

形容时下特别兴盛或流行。be in vogue for a time, prevail for a time, become current





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