盟ménɡⅠ ❶ (宣誓缔约; 联合) alliance: 结 ~ form an alliance; 同 ~ alliance; league; 工农联 ~ the alliance of workers and peasants ❷ (内蒙古自治区的行政区域) league (an administrative division of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, corresponding to a prefecture) Ⅱ (旧时指结拜的) sworn: ~ 兄弟 sworn brothers 另见 see also mínɡ。 ◆盟邦 allied country; ally; 盟国 allied country; ally; 盟军 allied forces; allied armies; allies; 盟誓 oath of alliance; 盟友 ally; 盟员 a member of an alliance; 盟约 oath of alliance; treaty of alliance; 盟主 the leader [chief] of an alliance
盟mínɡ (发誓) swear; make a pledge; take an oath 另见 see also ménɡ。 ◆盟誓 [口] take an oath; make a pledge |