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单词 nature


1. human race 人类。
△ Lr.1.2.116 (104):“Though the wisdom of nature can reason it thus andthus,yet nature finds itself scourged by the sequenteffects.”虽然科学对这个可以如此这般地解释.但是随后发生的事情却使人类遭受到惩罚。
2. human being人。
△Lr.3.4.69 (70):“nothing couldhave subdued nature / To such a lowness but his unkind daughters.”除了他那些忤逆的女儿们之外,没有什么能把人贬低到如此卑贱的地步。
3. natural life. vitality,vital functions 生命,生命力,生命机能。
△Mac.2.2. 7 (6): “I have drugged theirpossets,/ That death and nature do contend aboutthem,/ Whether they live or die. ”i.e.death and life argue over them. as to whether they are alive ordead. 我在他们的乳酒里下了药,他们正在挣扎着,简直不知是死是活了。
△Mac.2.3.120(113): “And his gashed stabslooked like a breach in nature”,他那一道道刀伤就像是生命打开了缺口。
△Mac.3.4.28 (27):“The least a deathto nature.”最小的一道(裂口)也足以要命。
△Mac.3.4.141 (140):“You lack the season of all natures,sleep.”i.e. You lack sleep. which preserves life and keeps itfresh. 你缺乏生命的防护剂.睡眠。
△Lr.2.4.148 (146):“O sir,you are old,/ Nature in you stands on the ver-y verge/Of his confine.”啊,大人,你老了;你的生命已经快到了尽头。(按: his一词又作her. 意思相同,均指Nature inyou.)
4. human life人生。
△Tw.3.4. 403 (367):“In naturethere’s no blemish but the mind;”人生没有缺憾.除了心地不良。
△Ham. 1.3.7:“A violet in the youth of primynature.”i.e. human nature in the springtime. (Vio-lets are flowers which bloom in North Europe in early spring.)人生早春时期的一朵紫罗兰。
△Ham.1.3.11:“For nature,crescent,does not grow alone / In thewsand bulk.” 因为人在成长中并不只是增长肌肉和身躯。
△Ham. 1.2.73: “Passing through nature to eterni-ty.”谁都得通过人世跨进永恒。
5.❶human life人生。
❷temporary existence in thenatural world,natural existence生存。
△Lr.2.4.269(266):“Allow not nature more than nature needs,/Man’s life is cheap as beast’s.”如果你不许人生超过生存的最低需要,那么人命也就和畜生一般低贱了。
6. life一生。
△Ham.1.5.12:“my days of nature”, lifetime. 我的一生。
7. human nature人性。
△Lr.4.6. 210 (205): “Thou hast one daughter / Who redeems nature from the general curse / Which twain have brought her to.”你有一个女儿,她把人性从你另外两个女儿所招致的普遍诅咒中赎救出来了。
△Mac.2.1.7:“Merciful powers,/Restrainin me the cursed thoughts that nature / Gives way toin repose!” (cursed thoughts: unholy visions,evildreams. Banquo is praying against being tempted toencourage thoughts of guilt even in his sleep.)慈悲的众神.克制那些人性中难免的罪恶思想.不要让它们进入我的睡梦之中!
△Mac.4.3.66:“Boundless intemperance / Innature is a tyranny;” i.e.Absence of self-control islike a tyranny over man’s nature. 无限的放纵的确是对人性施加的暴政。
8. natural disposition天性。
△Lr.1.2.1:“Thou. Nature,art my goddess.”你啊,天性,才是我的女神。
△Rom.4.5.82:“For though fond nature bids us all lament,/Yet nature’s tears are reason’s merriment.”i.e. ournatural tears make reason laugh. 因为虽然愚痴的天性叫我们哀悼,但是在理智眼中,这些天性的眼泪却是可笑的。
9. physical and moral constitution of man (人的)身体与心理结构,(人的)身心。
△Lr.3.6.106 (97): “Oppressed nature sleeps.”受压抑的身心睡着了。
10. bodily constitution体格。
△ Lr.2.4.109(108):“When nature,being oppressed,commands the mind / To suffer with the body.”身体受到病痛的压迫,使精神也陪着身体受苦。
△Lr.3.4.2:“The tyranny of the open night’s too rough / For nature to endure.”荒野的夜晚这样狂暴地肆虐,凡是血肉之躯谁也受不了。
11. inborn mind心灵
△Lr.4.7.15 (14): “Cure this great breach in his abused nature.”医治他那受虐待的心灵中的巨大创伤吧。
12. disposition性情。
△Lr.1.1.174 (171):“Which nor our nature nor our place can bear,”这个,以我的性情和地位都难以容忍。
13. personal character个人性格。
△Lr.2.1.117 (115):“Natures of such deep trust we shall much need;”我们很需要像你这样可靠的品性。
△Oth.4.1.276 (265): “Is this the nature / Whom passion could not shake?”这就是情感所不能震憾的性格吗?
△H.VIII.1.1.108: “You know his nature,/ That he’s revengeful;”你知道他的个性是睚眦必报的。
14. natural bond of kinship,i.e. natural relationship between parent and child天然亲属关系,(指)父母与子女之间的血统关系。
△Lr.1.1.55 (53):“Where nature doth with merit challenge?”看看谁在亲子关系中最配享有(我的恩惠)?
15. natural feeling or affection天生的感情。
△2H.IV.4.5.38 (39):“ Which,and filialtenderness/Shall,O dear father,pay thee plenteously.”这些,啊,亲爱的父亲,是出于天性、敬爱和孝心所一定要大量地付给你的。
△H.V.3.1.8:“Disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage;”用面貌凶恶的狂怒把善良的天然感情掩盖起来。
△1H.VI.3.3. 58:“Either she hath bewitchedme with her words. / Or nature makes me suddenly relent.”如果不是她的言语迷惑了我,就是天然的爱国之情使我突然心软了。
△3H.VI. 5. 1. 78:“With whom an upright zeal to right prevails / More than the nature of abrother’s love.”在他,对于正义事业的正直热忱战胜了兄弟之爱的天生感情。
△Mac.1. 5.46 (45):“compunctious visitings of nature”,i.e.natural feelings of kindness which will prick the conscience. 出自天性的良心不安。
16. natural feelings,personal feelings天生的感情,个人感情。
△Ham.5.2.244 (230):“What I have done / Thatmight your nature,honour,and exception / Roughlyawake,I here proclaim was madness.”我的所作所为,如有伤害你的感情和荣誉,激起你的憎恨的,我声明都是发疯造成的。
△Ham.5.2.258 (244): “I am satisfied in nature,”i.e.I am satisfied so far as my natural feelings areconcerned. 我在感情上得到了满足。
17. natural affection between parent and child父母与子女之间的天生感情。
△Lr.3.5.3(2):“that nature thusgives way to loyalty,” 为了忠心,这样不顾父子的常情
△Ham.1.5.81:“If thou hast nature in thee,bear itnot.”你若是还有骨肉之情,就不要容忍。
18. parental affection父母(对子女)的慈爱。
△Lr.1.2123(110):“The King falls from bias of nature; there'sfather against child.”国王违反了他的慈爱本性;这是父亲对孩子不好。
19. natural affection,i.e. filial feeling天然感情,(指)孝心。
△Ham.3.2. 418 (393):“O heart,lose not thy na-ture! let not ever / The soul of Nero enter this firmbosom,”啊,心哪,不要失去你的天生的骨肉之情,不要让尼禄的灵魂钻进我这坚定的胸怀。
△Ham.4.5.160 (162): “Na-ture is fine in love.” 人的孝心在深情中最是敏锐。
△Lr.3.7.86:“Edmund,enkindle all the sparks of nature,”爱德蒙,点燃起孝心的火花。
20. quality品质。
△Ham.5.2.60: “' Tis dangerouswhen the baser nature comes / Between the pass andfell incensed points / Of mighty opposites.”两个强敌正在刀来剑往、残酷厮杀的时候,贱骨头不识相,偏要插进来,自然是危险不过的。
△2H.IV.3.1.80:“There is a history in allmen’s lives,/ Figuring the nature of the times de-ceased,”在所有人的一生当中都经历过一段历史,它能显示出以往时代事物的性质。(按: nature又作natures = charac-ters. 人物。据此,这里又可译为:它能揭示出过去时代的种种人物。)
△R.III.1.2.144 (143): “The self-same name,but one of better nature.” 同一个姓氏,但这一个品质却比他更好。
21. kind,sort种,类。
△As.3.1.16: “officers of sucha nature”,i.e. officers such as execute duties of thekind. 专管这种事务的官吏。
22. natural impulse,natural sexual appetite天然冲动,天生性欲。
△Lr.1.2.11:“in the lusty stealth of nature.” the secret enjoyment of natural sexual appe-tite. 在兴致勃勃的偷情幽会之中。
23. ❶the natural order of things天意。
❷natural af-fection,i.e.a father's love亲子之情。
△Com.1.1.34:“wrought by nature”. 由天意造成。(又译:由亲子之情所引起。)





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