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单词 魂飞天外

魂飞天外hún fēi tiān wài

rob sb. of his senses;be out of one's wits: take leave of one's senses; throw sb. into a panic
❍ 尤二姐露出脸来。胡君荣一见,早已~,那里还能辨气色? (《红楼梦》 901) But the sight of Second Sister robbed Hu Junrong o f his senses. He was too dazed to know what he was doing.
❍ 邢王二夫人听得,俱~.不知怎样才好。(《红楼梦》1354) Lady Xing and Lady Wang weYe completelv nUlTllnOxed alld frightened out o f th e i r wits.
❍ 老和尚听了,~,……(《儒林外史》 451) When the abbot heard this. he nearly took leave o f his se nses.
❍ 当他又听说门外要布设双岗,真有点~,…… (冯志 《敌后武工队》 254) The idea of having the guards at his door thre w Zhou i nt o a p anic.





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