释义 |
privilegen. 1. particular right,pre-eminence,superiority特权,卓越地位,优越性。 △1H.IV.3.2.86: “For thou hast lostthy princely privilege / With vile participation.”因为你跟那些下流伙伴来往,已经丧失了你作为王子的卓越地位。 of privilege: which carries a privilege with it,whichconfers immunity带有特权的,赋予豁免权的。 △1H.IV.5.2.18: “And an adopted name of Privilege,” i. e. anickname carrying a privilege to be rash with it; anickname which serves to excuse his rashness.他还有一个带有特权的绰号。 2. right权利。 △1H.VI.5.4.135: “And yet,in sub-stance and authority,/ Retain but privilege of a pri-vate man?”但是,在实质和权力方面,只保留着一个普通百姓的权利? 3. licence特许。 △Gent.3.1.159:“think my patience,more than thy desert,/ Is privilege for thy departurehence”,你现在安然走开,那是由于我的宽容,并非是你本应如此。 4. right of sanctuary or asylum,immunity from vio-lence,exemption from arrest圣殿庇护权或避难权,暴力豁免权,逮捕豁免权。 △1H.VI.2.4. 86: “He bears him onthe place’s privilege,” i.e. he behaves thus only be-cause of the right of sanctuary the Temple affordshim. 他这样放肆,完全是利用了这个地方的豁免权。 5. advantage,superiority有利条件,优势。 △1H.VI.3.1.120: “Or I would see his heart out,ere the priest /Should ever get that privilege of me.”要不然我要挖出那个教士的心,也绝不让他占我一点便宜。 6. safeguard,protection,warrant 保障,保护,保证。 △Mid.2.1. 220:“Your virtue is my privilege.”你的品德就是我的保障。(又译:你的品德给了我这样的特权。) privilege[ˈprivilidӠ]n.特权,基本公民权利 v.给特权 ‖ agreement on privileges and immunities特权和豁免协定 privilege leave公休假 privilege of citizenship公民权 privilege of note issue发行钞票的特权 privilege of witness证人的特权 privilege position特权地位 privilege stratum特权阶层 privilege ticket优待减价票,优待券 privileged access特权个人专有的认识 privileged class特权阶级 privileged communication受到法律保护的通讯 privileged mode特权方式 privileged price优待价,特惠价 privileged proposition有特权的命题 privileged user特许使用者 privileged will特权遗嘱 privilegentsia[ˌpriviliˈdӠentsiə]n.特权阶级 privileger n.享受特权者 |