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[书] Ⅰ (减少) decrease Ⅱ (旧时的丧服) coarse hempen mourning garments
另见 see also shuāi。


(衰弱) decline; wane: 年老力 ~ decrepit; 体力渐 ~ get weaker physically; 风势渐 ~。 The wind is falling. 懒则 ~。 Laziness leads to debility.
另见 see also cuī。
◆衰败 decline; wane; be at the wane; fall into decay; be at a low ebb; instauration;
衰惫 [书] weak and tired; feeble; weary;
衰变 decay; disintegration; alpha decay;
衰减 attenuation; decay; damping; reduction; rejection; weakening; deamplification; dampening; dying out;
衰竭 collapse; failure; exhaustion; prostration;
衰老 slow death; grow old; go out; senility; senium; caducity; apolexis; old and feeble; decrepit; senile;
衰落 decline; be on the wane; go downhill; fading; decay; decaying; lapse; erode;
衰弱 weak; feeble; fall into a decline; debility; asthenia; collapse; traik; frail; weak; lack off; weaken; hyposthenia;
衰飒 [书] decline; be on the wane; downhearted;
衰替 [书] decline; wane;
衰颓 weak and degenerate; be on the wane;
衰退 fail; decline; decay; rust; ruin; downturn; retrogression; retrogradation; recession; rustiness; dropoff; atrophy; dying out; clin-, clino-;衰亡 become feeble and die; decline and fall; wither away;
衰微 [书] decline; wane;
衰朽 [书] feeble and decaying; decrepit





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