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单词 风吹草动

风吹草动fēng chuī cǎo dòng

the rustle of leaves in the wind--a sign of disturbance or trouble; the slightest hint of trouble; the first hint of danger
❍ 一有~,就有洋鬼子造成的铁丝网,将反革命文学的华界隔离,……(鲁迅《三闲集·通信“回信”》78) If a storm blows up,they have the foreign devils’barbed-wire defences to put between themselves and the counter revolutionary writers outside the concessions,…/……但是富有斗争经验的老太婆,一遇~,便当机立断,是完全应该的。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》261)…but she felt that Grandma was completely justified in making this prompt decision at the first hint of danger.
❍ 一有点~,爬起来就乱射一通,一到夜晚谁也不敢乱动。(曲波《林海雪原》481) They leaped up and fired wildly at the least rustle of the grass. At night none of them dared to move about singly.
❍ 现在,敌人是冬天的大葱,皮干根烂心不死呀,一有~,他们就要撅屁股,咱们可不能麻痹大意呀。(石文驹《战地红缨》143) The enemy is like the shallots we lay by in winter—the core is still alive when the outside sheath is dead. When there’s a chance,they’ll make trouble. We mustn’t let down our guard,…/哪怕是一点最小的~,触及了蛛丝,牵动了蛛网,便会立即引起这座巨大巢穴里的蜘蛛们的倾巢出动。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》99) The slightest breeze was enough to set its filaments aquiver and to provoke swift and violent reactions.
❍ 我的厂里有什么~,我就是干干脆脆只要一天内解决!(茅盾《子夜》367) If there’s the slightest hint of trouble in my factory,I’ll have it settled the same day without any ifs or buts!/冯永祥赞叹地说:“银行界真不愧是工商界的中枢神经,工商界有点~,我们懋廉兄早就知道了。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—548) Feng Yongxiang said with a note of admiration in his voice: “Yes,the banking world really deserves its reputation of being the nerve centre of the business world: there only has to be the slightest movement in the business world and our Maolian knows all about it.”/万一今晚上有什么~,这五万银子,我自有安排。(茅盾《子夜》111) If there should be any trouble tonight,I’ve made arrangements for looking after the money all right.


rustle of grass in the wind—sign of disturbance or trouble;sign of anything in the offing

风吹草动fēnɡ chuī cǎo dònɡ

风稍稍一吹,草就抖动。比喻极小的动静或变故。a sign of disturbance or trouble, the rustle of blades in the wind





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