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storen. 1.hoard,possessions,property,wealth,all that oneowns 积蓄,所有物,财产,财富,全部家当。 △1H.IV.2.2.98(89):“I would your store were here!”我但愿你们的家当全都在这儿才好呢! △ 2H.VI.3.1.115:“mine own prop-er store,”i.e.my own personal wealth. 我自己个人的财产。 2. plenty,great number,abundance 大量,许多,充裕。 △2H.VI.3.1.168:“I shall not want false witness to condemn me / Nor store of treasons to augment myguilt.”我不会缺少伪证来定我的罪,也不会没许多叛逆材料来加重我的罪名。 △H.VIII.5.4.78(5.3.72): “We shallhave / Great store of room,no doubt,left for the la-dies,”我们一定得给女客们留出充裕的空间。 3. savings,supply of money 存款,现钱。 △ Tw.3.3.45:“and your store,/ I think,is not for idle markets.”我想你的钱是不够买这些非急用的东西的。 4. accumulated and abundant treasure,riches,wealth宝藏,财富。 △Rom.1.1.221 (215): “O,she is rich inbeauty,only poor / That,when she dies,with beautydies her store.”i.e. Although she is rich in beauty,she is poor in the sense that when she dies,her treas-ure of beauty dies with her.啊,她富于美貌,只有一点贫:在死的时候她的财富与美貌将同归于尽。 5. number,company 数,群体。 △Rom.1.2.22: “andyou,among the store.”你也是客人中的一个。 6. material,stuff 材料,原料。 △ Lr.3.6.56 (53):“whose warped looks proclaim / What store her heartis made on (= made of).”她那狰狞的面貌就说明她的心是什么东西做的。
storevt. ❶ fill up 充塞。 ❷ populate 聚居在…中。 △Oth.4.3.86(84): “Yes,a dozen; and as many to the van-tage as would store the world they played for.”有,总有一打;此外还有更多,足够塞满她们用冒险换来的世界。 store[stɔ:]n. 商店v.储藏,收藏 ◇ a in store for就要发生 out of store售完 store up收藏,储蓄,贮藏 ‖art store艺术品商店 bulk store整体收藏 hard ware store五金店 store brands零售商品牌 store capacity存储容量 store cattle菜牛 store credit购货信用 store house仓库 store of money储蓄 store of value价值储蓄 store-of-value institution储蓄机构 store prepaid account商店预付账 store to bank存入声库 store up grains屯粮 stores and equipment物料及设备 stores audit库存审计 stores depot补给品仓库 stores for the convenience of the people便民店 stores form物料供应表格 stores fund材料基金 stores ledger库存物资分类账 stores management procedure物料管理程序 Stores Management System仓储管理系统 stores requisition领料单 storage n.贮藏,保管,仓库,库存,货栈 storage annexation库房 storage capacity库容量storage charge account存储费账 storage charges仓储费,仓租 storage cost仓租,保管费用 storage enterprise仓储企业 storage facilities储存设备 storage fee保管费 storage magazine仓库 storage management仓储管理 storage of records贮存档案 storage protection block存储保护区 storefront n. 街道,店面 storefront schools街道补习学校 storekeeper n.保管员,店主 storeman n. 仓库管理员 storeroom n.商品陈列室,材料间 |