释义 |
钩心斗角勾心斗角gōu xīn dòu jiǎoeach trying to outwit the other; engage in intrigues against each other; jockey (/manoeuvre) for positions against rivals; scheme (/struggle/plot) against each other ❍ 这个宫女早已看透了宫中的处处虚假,人与人勾心斗角,争风吃醋,彼此倾轧,动不动就会大祸临头,…… (姚雪垠 《李自成》 Ⅱ—827) The maid,well ac quainted with all the palace hypocrisies,intrigues and petty jealousies,knew that one could become a victim of them at any time. ❍ 在福隆寺的几百和尚中,和世俗一样勾心斗角,并且分成许多等级,一层压一层。(姚雪垠《李白成》Ⅱ—752) Among the several hundred monks,there was like everywhere else much bick ering and many power struggles,with the higher ranking monks oppressing the others. ❍ 这一向的州衙门,为了胡小轩和王寡妇恋爱,竟如此~闹了这多天。(李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—222) Thus the case of the secret love affair between Hu Xiaoxuan and Mrs Wang,having for days been the cause of considerable plotting and wrangling in the subprefect's yamen,…/然而竟未发现对方在勾心斗角的同时,还作了不少的幕后工作。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》117) While each had been trying to put spokes in the other's wheels,he had failed to discover that Li Jigang had surreptitiously done a good deal of work. ❍ 停止彼此勾心斗角、互相倾轧、各怀鬼胎的局面! (吴强《红日》517) We must put an end to all this scheming and struggling against each other,all this stabbing each other in the back. 钩心斗角钩(勾)ɡōu xīn dòu jiǎo钩:牵结;心:宫室的中心。斗:结合。角:檐角。指宫室建筑结构精巧,错落有致;也比喻人与人之间明争暗斗。jockey for position, play into each other’s hands |