1. prohibit,interdict,avert 禁止,制止,防止。
△3H.VI.2.1.190:“as God forbid the hour!”上帝不许有那么一个时刻!
2. prevent 阻止。
△Mac. 1. 3. 45: “You should bewomen,/ And yet your beards forbid me tointerpret / That you are so.” (The unnatural growthof hair upon a woman’s face was regarded suspiciousevidence of her being a witch.)你们该是女人,可是你们的胡子却又不让我这样解释。
pa. p.
1. forbidden 被禁止。
△ Shr.4.1.174 (171):“I express-ly am forbid to touch it,”我遵医嘱不能吃这种东西。
△Lr.3.3. 22 (21): “This courtesy,forbid thee,” i.e. Thisintended kindness in relieving Lear,which is forbid-den to you. 这一番被禁止的殷勤。
2. bewitched,under a curse or ban 中了蛊惑的,被诅咒的,在禁咒之下的。
△Mac. 1.3.21: “He shall live a manforbid,”他将像是受诅咒的人一样。
v. 禁止,不许,妨碍
◇ forbid to do sth.禁止…做…
‖ forbiddance n. 禁止,禁令
forbidding adj.可怕的,险恶的
forbiddingly adv. forbidden adj. 禁用的,被禁止的
forbidden character code 禁用码,非法码
forbidden code 禁用代码
forbidden fishing zone 禁渔区
forbidden region (zone)禁区
forbidden zone of contact禁区
forbiddenness n. 禁戒