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1. in place of,instead of 代替。
△Shr.3.2.72 (69):“for a feather.”代替羽饰。
△Ham.2.2.538 (507):“and for a robe,/ About her lank and all o’er-teemedloins,/ A blanket,in the alarm of fear caught up;”代替了袍服,在她那枯瘦而生育过多的腰身上只裹了一条在惊惶中随手抓起的毛毯。
△Ham.5.1.252 (230): “for charitableprayers,/ Shards,flints. and pebbles should bethrown on her.”(It was formerly the practice to burythose who committed suicide beneath a pile of stonesat the cross-roads.) 代替慈悲的祷告,碎瓷、石片、石子该抛在她的身上。
△Oth.2.3.38 (37):“but one cup,I’ll drinkfor you.”只喝一杯,我可以替你喝。
△H.V. 3.5.60:“Andfor achicvement offer us his ransom.”顾不得打仗取胜,只有赶快拿出他自己的赎金。
△R.III.1.3.199 (198):“Edward thy son,that now is Prince of Wales,/ ForEdward our son,that was Prince of Wales,/ Die inhis youth by like untimely violence! / Thyself aqueen,for me that was a queen,”你的儿子、现在的太子爱德华,代替了我的儿子、原来的太子爱德华,但愿你的儿子也像我的儿子那样在青春年华过早死于刀兵吧! 你这个王后代替我这个原来的王后。
△R.III.4.4.98: “For happy wife. a mostdistressed widow: / For joyful mother,one that wailsthe name; / For one being sued to,one that humblysues;”不再是幸福的妻子,现在成了最不幸的寡妇;不再是快乐的母亲,现在只能为母亲这个名义而痛哭;不再是受到请求的人,现在只能谦卑地向人请求。
2. in exchange for 作为对…的交换。
△Rom.2. 2. 48:“And for thy name,which is no part of thee. / Takeall myself.”那名字本不是你的一部分,抛弃了它,作为交换,就可以把我自己整个拿去。
△Oth.2.3.148 (142): “Not I.for this fair island.”我不干,哪怕把这座大好的海岛送给我。
△ Mac.1.5.48 (47):“ Come to my woman’sbreasts,/ And take my milk for gall,”i.e. take awaymy milk. and put gall in its place; change my milk forgall.请来到我女人的胸前,把我的乳汁换成胆汁。
△2H.VI.1.3.90 (87): “Till Suffolk gave two dukedoms for his daughter.”直到萨福克拿出两块公爵领地来换他的女儿。
△R.III.5.4. 7:“A horse! A horse! My kingdom fora horse!”一匹马! 一匹马! 用我的王国换一匹马!
3. in token of 作为…的表示。
△1H.VI. 5. 3. 48:“I kissthese fingers for eternal peace,/ And lay them gentlyon thy tender side.”我吻你这些纤指以表示永久的和平,再把它们轻轻放在你这柔软的腰旁。
4. in the quality or nature of 具有…的性质。
△2H.IV.1. 2. 151 (132): “when there were matters against youfor your life,”i.e.of a capital nature,of capital of-fences,entailing capital punishment. 因为你犯有案情足以构成死罪。
5. as,as being作为,当做。
△Ham.1.2.35:“For bear-ers of this greeting to old Norway,”做给挪威老王送这封信的使者。
△Oth.5.2.232 (234):“Are there no stonesin heaven/ But what serve for the thunder?”难道天上没有霹雳,可以像雷霆一样劈下来吗?
△Mac.4.3.125:“Forstrangers to my nature.”i.e. as things foreign to mynature. 作为与我本性无缘的东西。
△H.V. 3.7. 133(118):“there stands your friend for the devil.”你的朋友这么一来就成为魔鬼了。
△2H.VI.1.3.182 (179): “Doth any-one accuse York for a traitor?”难道有人控告约克是叛逆吗?
△3H.VI. 4. 7. 22:“True,my good lord,I knowyou for no less.”不错,好大人,我正是把你当做那样身份看待的 。
△3H.VI.5.7.5: “Three Dukes of Somerset,threefold renowned / For hardy and undoubted champions;” 三位萨默塞特公爵,作为勇敢无畏的斗士,都是极负盛名的。
6. for want of,for lack of由于缺少,由于缺乏。
△As.2.7. 104:“I almost die for food,and let me have it.”我快要饿死了,给我东西吃。
△2H.IV.3.2.125 (112): “My old dame will be undone now for one to do her husbandry and her drudgery.”我的老母亲会因为没有人替她干农活、干苦活而急死的。
△H.V.1.2.113:“And let another half stand laughing by,All out of work and cold for action!”而让另外一半人没事可干,站在一边说说笑笑,还因为缺少活动而着了凉!
7. for want of,without 由 于缺少,没有。
△Mac.4.2.38:“Yes,he is dead.How wilt thou do for a father?”不,他是死了。你没有 了父亲怎么办?
△Mac.4.2.39:“Nay,how will you do for a husband?”不,你没有丈夫怎么办呢?
8. in spite of,despite不管,尽管。
△Mac.4.2.37:“My father is not dead,for all your saying.”不管你怎么说,我的父亲并没有死。
△Mac.4.3.44: “But,for all this,”但是,尽管如此。
△1H.IV.2.2. 15(13):“Well,I doubt >not but to die a fair death for all this,if I ’scape hanging for killing that rogue.”好,尽管这样,如果我杀了那个坏蛋而能逃脱绞刑,我毫不怀疑我还是会得到好死的。
△1H.VI.1.3.46:“Draw,men,for all this privileged place—”拔出剑来,弟兄们,不必管这里是什么宫掖禁地。
△1H.VI.2.2.26: “Myself,as far as I could well discern/For smoke and dusky vapours of the night,”尽管黑夜里又是烟又是雾,我自己还是能够看得出来…
△ 2H.VI.1.1. 164 (163): “I fear me,lords,for all this flattering gloss. / He will be found a dangerous Protector.”诸位,尽管他有这么一副讨人喜欢的美好外表,我担心他早晚会成为一个危险的护国公。
△3H.VI.1.1. 152:“Plantagenet,for all the claim thou lay’st,Think not that Henry shall be so deposed.”普兰塔琪奈特,不管你提出什么样的权利,休想这样就能使亨利王退位。
9. so far concerned,as for,as regards至于说到,至于,关于。
△Ado.2.1.51 (48):“For the heavens,”至于说到天堂。(按:此处上下原文,亦有编订者改为: Saint Peter for the heavens在天堂那里的圣彼得。)
△Mid .1.1.117:“For you,fair Hermia,”至于你呢,美丽的赫米娅。
△Mer.2.8.41:“for the Jew’s bond which he hath of me,”至于犹太人手里拿着的我的借据。
△Tw.1.5.21 (20): “and for turning away,” 至于说被赶出去。
△Tw.2.3.145(133): “For Monsieur Malvolio,let me alone with him.” i.e. leave him to me. 至于马伏里奥先生,让我自己来对付他。
△ Tw.3.1.115(103):“For him,I think not on him. ”说到他,我并不想念他。
△Tw.3.4.425 (388):“and for his cowardship,ask Fabian.”至于他的怯懦,问费边去。
△ Ham. 1.3. 5:“For Hamlet,and the trifling of his favour,”至于哈姆雷特和他的调情讨好。
△Ham.1.3.123:“For Lord Hamlet,/ Believe so much in him,”至于哈姆雷特王子,对他你不可全信。
△Ham. 1. 5.139:“For your desire to know what is between us,” i.e.what the Ghost and I have to do with one another. 至于你们想知道我们中间谈了些什么话。
△Mac.4. 2. 15:“Butfor your husband,” 至于你的丈夫。
△ 1. 1.125(124): “For Suffolk’s duke,may he be suffocate,/ That dims the honour of this warlike isle!”至于萨福克被封为公爵,但愿他这个使得我们武功赫赫的岛国光荣失色的家伙被掐死才好!
△3H.VI. 4.3. 47 (48): “Then,for his mind,be Edward England’s king,/ But Henry nowshall wear the English crown / And be true king indeed,”那么,就让你爱德华在精神上做英国的国王吧,但是现在亨利却要戴上英国的王冠,的的确确做真正的国王了。
10. with respect to,concerning关于,有关。
△As.4.1.140(138): “But for the bloody napkin?” i.e. what about the bloody handkerchief?但是,关于那块染血的手帕又是怎么回事呢?
△Ado. 3. 2. 63 (61): “that tells a heavy tale for him.”这说出了有关他的重要情况。
11. because of,on account of,for the sake of因为,由于,为了。
△ Shr.1.1.1: “for the great desire I had”.由于我抱着极大的渴望。
△Mid.5.1.255 (249):“He dares not come there for the candle;”他因为有蜡烛不敢进去。
△Mer.2.8.50: “I think he only loves the world for him.”我想他只是为了他的缘故才爱这世界的。
△Ham.1.424:“That for some vicious mole of nature in them.”由于他们品性上有些瑕疵。
△Ham.4.5. 81: “the people muddied,/ Thick and unwholesome in their thoughts and whispers / For good Polonius’death;”老百姓乱糟糟的,因为善良的波乐纽斯的死而在那里瞎猜乱道。
△Lr.2.4.54: “But for all this,thou shalt have as many dolours for thy daughters as thou canst tell in a year.”可是因此上,你因为你的女儿们所受的苦恼会让你一年都说不完。
△Mac3.1. 121 (120): “For certain friends that are both his and mine,”因为我和他有一些共同的朋友。
△Mac.4.3224 (225):“They were all strook (= struck) for thee!”他们都因为你而被害了!
△H.V.3.5.47:“For your great seats now quit you of great shames.” 为了你们的高贵地位,现在要洗雪你们自己蒙受的奇耻大辱。
△H.V.4.2.61:“I will the banner from a trumpet take,/ And use it for my haste.”我要从喇叭手那里取来一面小旗,在匆忙中不妨使用一下。
△1H.VI.2.3.19: “I thought I should have seensome Hercules. / A second Hector,for his grimaspect / And large proportion of his strong-knitlimbs.”我原以为我该会看到一位赫库力士,一位赫克托再世,面貌狰狞、手足粗壮、身材高大。
△1H.VI.4.6.21:“Contami-nated,base,/ And misbegotten blood I spill ofthine,/ Mean and right poor,for that pure blood ofmine / Which thou didst from Talbot,my brave boy.”我使你流出了肮脏、下贱、杂种的血,卑劣而且非常可鄙的血,是为了你强使我那勇敢的儿子塔尔博特流出的纯洁的血。
△3H.VI2.2.47:“And happy always was it for that son /Whose father for his hoarding went to hell?” 父亲由于聚敛而下地狱,他的儿子就一定算是有福气吗?
12. by. upon凭(以)…起誓。
△Shr.1.1.193(189):“for my hand”,i.e. by my hand. 凭我这只手起誓。
13. making a wager for,on用…来打赌。
△As.2.7.63:“for a counter,” 拿一个筹码来打赌。
△Ado.3.2.76(74): “For my life,to break with him about Beatrice. ”我以性命打赌,一定是把有关贝特丽丝的事向他说明。
14. toward,to. on the way to向,往,到。
△Mac.3.520:“I am for the air;”我要乘风而去。
△Shr.1.1.3:“Iam arrived for fruitful Lombardy”,i.e.I have comehere on my way to Lombardy. 我在奔赴物产富饶的伦巴底的中途来到这里。
15. in quest of.with a desire of,in order to come by寻找,想望,为了得到。
△Rom.2.2.158: “O for afalconer’s voice,”(Juliet wishes she were a falconer sothat she could call Romeo back like a falcon.) 啊,我多么希望能有放鹰人的声音。
16. in the possession of有了。
△1H.VI.5.3.147(148):“Thanks,Reignier,happy for so sweet a child,/ Fitto be made companion with a king.”谢谢,瑞尼埃,你有了这么一个可爱的孩子,可以做国王伴侣,真是有福气。
17. entitled to该得。
△H.VIII.5.1.174(172):“An or-dinary groom is for such payment.”(The Old Lady isa lady-in-waiting of gentle birth.)这一点赏钱只配给一个普通的奴仆。
18. favourable to有利于。
△Oth.3.3.152:“It were not for your quiet nor your good,/ Nor for my man-hood,honesty,and wisdom,/ To let you know my thoughts.”让你知道我的想法,不利于你的内心平静和你的利益,也有伤于我的人格、忠厚和明智。
19. siding with,in favour of支持,赞成。
△Ado.2.1.389 (371):“My lord,I am for you,”殿下,我愿意赞助你。
△3H.VI.5.1.59: “Oxford,Oxford,for Lancaster!”牛津,牛津,拥护兰开斯特!
20. at the service of听候…的吩咐。
△As.5.3.10:“Weare for you,sit i’ the middle.”我们听候差遣。请坐在中间。
21. in reward for回报。
△Tw.2.1.37(35): “If youwill not murther me for my love,”要是你不想杀死我来回报我对你的交情的话。(按:“杀死我”指离开安东尼奥。)
22. during在…的期间。
△Ham.1.5.11:“And for theday confined to fast in fires,”在白天限定要在火焰里受罪。23. for fear of只怕。
△Gent.1.2.133: “for catchingcold”,只怕会受凉的。
24. lest it should ...,to prevent it否则就…,为了防止(它)…
△2H.VI.4.1.73: “Now will I dam up this thyyawning mouth / For swallowing the treasure of therealm.”i.e.lest it swallow the treasure of the king-dom.现在我要堵住你这贪婪地大张的嘴巴,免得让你把全国的财富都吞下去。
25.❶because of,in consequence of因为,由于。
❷inspite of. notwithstanding不顾,尽管。
△2H.IV.4.1.222 (220): “Our peace will,like a broken limbunited. / Grow stronger for the breaking. ”我们的和平就会像是一条接合过的断肢,因为(又译:尽管)一度折断倒能长得更加坚强有力。
△3H.VI.1.4. 46:“And if thou canst forblushing,view this face.”要是你由于害羞(又译:不怕害臊),看看我这张脸。


1. since既然。
△Mid.4.1.188 (182): “And,for the morning now is something worn,/ Our purposed hun-ting shall be set aside.”现在,早晨既已差不多消磨过去,我们计议中的行猎只好作罢。
△Gent.3.1.148: “I curse my-self,for they are sent by me,/That they should har-bour where their lord should be.”我诅咒我自己,因为它们本是我所派遣,却竟然占据了它们主人应该占的位置。
△Lr.53.150(149): “Which for they yet glance by,”(Which:“these treasons”.)因为这些诬蔑之词现在只是轻轻滑了过去。
2. because,as因为,由于。
△Gent.2.4.176(175):“On-ly for his possessions are so huge”,只因为他的资财雄厚。
△Gent.4.3.24: “And for the ways are dangerous topass,/ I do desire thy worthy company,”因为路上艰险难行,我想请你陪伴。
△Mer.1. 3. 43 (42): “I hate himfor he is a Christian;”我恨他因为他是个基督徒。
△As.3.2.134(125):“Why should this a desert be? / For it is unpeopled? No!”为什么这里像一片沙漠? 是因为无人居住吗? 不!
△As.3.5.9: “I fly thee for I would not in-jure thee.”我躲避你,正因为我不愿伤害你。
△Oth.1.3.270 (268): “For she is with me.” 因为她在我身边。
△Oth.3.3.118:“And for I know thou ’rt full of loveand honesty,”因为我知道你是一个忠诚老实的人。
△R.III1.1.58: “And for my name of George begins with G,/It follows in his thought that I am he. ”因为我的名字乔治是以G这个字母开头,他就一心认定我便是那一个人。
3. in order that,so that为了,为的是。
△3H.VI.3.1.9:“And,for the time shall not seem tedious,/ I’ll tell thee what befell me on a day / In this self place where now we mean to stand ”为了使这段时间不至于显得太沉闷,我来告诉你有一天就在我们现在打算站立的这个地方我所碰到的一件事情。
△3H.VI.3.2.154:“And for I should not deal in her soft laws.”为了使我不能按照她那温柔的规律行事。
Phrases &Expressions:
for all: ❶in spite of不管。
△3H.VI.5.6.20: “And yet,for all his wings. the fool was drowned.”但是,尽管有了翅膀,那蠢小子还是淹死了。
△H.VIII.2.3.25:“and so would you / For all this spice of your hypocrisy.”尽管你做出假惺惺的样子,你心里也是愿意的。
❷although. though尽管,虽然。
△Wiv.1.1.283 (271):“for all you are my man,go wait upon my cousin Shallow.”你虽然是我的仆人,还是去侍候我的舅舅夏禄吧。
△Wiv.5.5.210(192):“for all he was in woman’s apparel”,虽然他是穿着女人的衣服。
❸in any case无论如何。
△2H.VI.1.2.107:“Sort how it will,I shall have gold for all.”不管结果怎样,反正我总会把钱捞到手里。
❹once for all一次了结,一言以蔽之。
△Ham.1.3.131:“This is for all”. 干脆一句话。
for all in all: in all things在一切方面。
△Ham.1.2187: “ ’A was a man,take him for all in all,” i.e. considering everything,he had the essential qualities of manliness. 从各方面看来,他不愧为一个堂堂男子。
for all this: despite all this不管这一套。
△Mer.2.5.40: “Mistress,look out at window for all this—”小姐,不必听这一套,还是要在窗口探望。
for all this same: in spite of all this,all the same尽管如此,仍然。
△Rom.5.3.43: “For all this same,I’ll hide me hereabout,”虽然如此,我还是要躲在附近。 for all waters: at home anywhere,ready for anything,good for any occupation (a phrase of unknown origin)到什么地方都不陌生,干什么都可以,做什么都在行(此语出处不详)。
△Tw.4.2.69 (63):“Nay,I am for all waters.”嘿,我是什么都能做。 for and: and also,and moreover还有,加上。
△Ham5.1.100 (94):“A pickaxe and a spade,a spade,/ For and a shrouding sheet;”一把锄头和一把铲,一把铲,还有一身裹尸衣。 for aye: for ever永远。
△Ham. 3.2.212 (200):“This world is not for aye,nor ’tis not strange / That even our loves should with our fortunes change.”人世变幻无常,所以那是不足为奇:我们的爱情也随着命运而转移。
△Mid.1.1.71:“For aye to be in shady cloister mewed.”永远被关闭在阴森的修道院里。
for fear: lest免得。
△Mac.2.1.56: “Thou sure and firm-set earth,/ Hear not my steps,which way they walk,for fear / The very stones prate of my whereabout,”你这安稳而坚实的大地,不要听见我的脚步向哪里走去,免得使地上的石头都会讲出我的行踪。
for God’s sake: in the name of God以上帝的名义。
△Mac. 2.3.911 (9):“who committed treason enough for God’s sake,”他打着上帝的名义犯下不少的叛逆之罪。
for my life: on my life以我的性命起誓。
△R.III.4.13:“Now,for my life,she’s wandering to the Tower,”现在,天哪,她也要去伦敦塔了。
for need: if necessary必要的话。
△Ham.2.2.572(540):“You could for need study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines,which I would set down and insert in’t,could you not?”我在必要时想写出来一段十二行到十六行的台词插在戏里,你能预先把它背熟吗?
“For O,for O,the hobby-horse is forgot”: a line from an old popular ballad“因为噢,因为噢,柳条马给忘掉了。”(一首古老民间歌谣中的一句。)
△Ham.3.2.143 (133):“orelse shall he suffer not thinking on. with the hobby-horse. whose epitaph is,For O. for O. the hobblyhorse is forgot.’”不然他只好被人忘掉,像五月节的柳条马,它的墓志铭就是:“因为噢,因为噢,柳条马给忘掉了。” or that: ❶because因为。
△Lr.1.2.5: “For that Iam some twelve or fourteen moonshines / Lag of abrother?” 只因为我比兄长晚生了 十二个月或十四个月?
△Mid.2.1.220:“ for that / It is not night when I dosee your face,”因为我看见你的面孔时并不在夜晚。
△Wiv.3.4.82 (78): “Good Mistress Page,for that I loveyour daughter / … I must advance the colours of my love,/ And not retire.”好裴琪太太,既然我爱你的女儿…我就要举起我的爱情的旗帜前进,决不后退。
△Oth.1.3.24:“For that it stands not in such warlike brace,”因为它并没有作战的准备。
△1H.VI.2.3.31:“Marry,for thatshe’s in a wrong belief. / I go to certify her Talbot’shere.”哎,因为她现在有了某种误会,我要向她证明塔尔博特已经来到这里。
△1H.VI.2.5.70:“The reason movedthese warlike lords to this / Was for that,youngRichard thus removed,/ Leaving no heir begotten ofhis body,”激起这些军事首领如此行动的理由是:年轻的理查既这样被废,又没有留下他亲生的子嗣。
△1H.VI.5.5.79:“Whether it be through force of your report,/ My noble Lord of Suffolk,or for that / My tender youthwas never yet attaint / With any passion of inflaminglove,/I cannot tell;”萨福克大人,究竟是由于你的报告的力量,或是因为我太年轻、还从来不曾受过火热的恋爱激情的感染,我说不清。
△2H.VI.3.1.372:“For that John Mortimer,which (i.e.who) now is dead,/ In face,in gait,inspeech,he doth resemble. ” (John Mortimer was exe-cuted in 1424.) 因为他在面貌、步态、说话各方面都很像那个现已死去的约翰·摩提默。
△3H.VI.4.6.10:“Nay,be thousure,I'll well requite thy kindness,/ For that it mademy imprisonment a pleasure;” 不,你放心吧,为了你的善意,我要好好奖赏你,因为你使我的囚禁成为一种愉快。
❷for that purpose为了这个目的。
△ H.V.1.2. 276:“For that I have laid by my majesty.”为了这个目的,我过去曾经抛弃了自己的威仪。
for the heavens: in heaven’s name看在老天的面上。
△Mer.2.2.12: “‘for the heavens. rouse up a brave mind.’ says the fiend,‘and run.’”“看在老天的分上,放大胆子,”恶魔说,“跑吧。”
for this gear: for this matter,for this occasion. i.c. after all that you have said为了这件事,为了这个缘故。(意为:你既然说了这么多。)
△Mer.1.1.110: “I'll grow a talker for this gear. ”你既然这么说,我以后也得变成一个爱说话的人了。
for to: to.
△Shr.3. 2.250 (247): “For to supply the places at the table,”来入席奉陪。
for why: because因为。
△Shr. 3.2. 170 (167): “for why,he stamped and swore”,因为他顿足大骂。
△Gent.3.1. 99: “For why,the fools are mad,if left alone,”因为傻子都会发狂,如果没有伴侣。
for you: ready to fight you准备奉陪(打架)。
△Rom.1.1.60 (54): “But if you do(= quarrel),sir,I am for you.”如果你想打架,先生,我可以奉陪。


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