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❶ (追赶) chase after; run after; pursue; catch up with: 紧 ~ 其后 run sb. hard or close; 穷 ~ 敌寇 be in hot pursuit of the enemy; vigorously pursue the enemy; 把比分 ~ 了上来 catch up and level the score
❷ (追究) trace; look into; get to the bottom of: ~ 出谣言的根源 trace a rumour to its source
❸ (追求) hanker for [after]; go after; seek: ~ 名逐利 seek fame and wealth; ~ 时髦 follow the fashion; go after the fashion
❹ (回溯) recall; reminisce; remember: ~ 昔 recall the past; reflect on the past; ~ 述往事 recall and recount one's experiences
❺ (事后补办) act re ̄ troactively; do posthumously: ~ 记一等功 be post ̄ humously awarded a First-Class Merit citation Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 喜 Zhui Xi
另见 see also duī。
◆追奔[亡]逐北 pursue a routed army; chase an enemy force in full retreat; give chase to a routed enemy; 追本穷源 trace back to the sources [early beginnings]; go into the matter with thoroughness; go to the heart of the matter; investigate the origins; trace to its source; 追逼 pursue closely; press for; extort; 追捕 pursue and capture; trace and arrest; chase; 追查 investigate; trace; find out; 追悼 mourn over a person's death; 追肥 {农} top application; topdressing; after manuring; 追赶 quicken one's pace to catch up; run after; pursue; chase after; 追根 get to the bottom of sth.; 追怀 reminiscence; 追回 recover; retrieve; 追悔 repent; regret; feel remorse; 追击 pursue and attack; follow up; 追记 write down afterwards or from memory; cite [award] posthumously; 追加 add to (the original amount); 追加投资 additional investment; 追加预算 additional budget; 追缴 press for payment afterwards; 追剿 pursue and wipe out; 追究 look into; find out; investigate; 追名逐利 seek [look for; chase after]fame and gain [riches]; crave for personal fame and gain; go after fame and money; pursue personal fame and gain; 追求 seek; aspire; pursue; woo; court; chase; run after; 追认 subsequentlly confirm or endorse; recognize retroactively; admit or confer posthumously; 追述 tell about the past; recout; 追思 think back; 追溯 retrospect; review; run; trace back to; date from; 追随 follow; 追索 search for; press for payment; 追问 question closely; make a detailed inquiry; examine min ̄ utely; 追想 recall; reminisce; 追星热 the fan craze; 追星族 the fans who chase after pop stars; 追叙 tell about the past; relate; recount; narration of earlier episodes; flashback; 追寻 pursue; search; seek; track down; 追忆 recall; recollect; look back; palimnesis; 追赃 order the return of stolen money or goods; recover stolen money or goods; make sb. disgorge the spoils; 追赠 confer posthumously; 追逐 pursue; chase; run after; seek; quest; 追踪 have in the wind; follow the trail of; track; trace; pursue; 追踪报导 follow-up report


Chasing→施蛰存 (Shi Zhecun)





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