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单词 招贤纳士

招贤纳士zhāo xián nà shì

receive all good fellows from everywhere; recruit worthy talents; seek out and receive able men; welcome wise counselers and valorous warriors
❍ 数月之前,路上酒肆里遇见公孙胜先生,同在店中吃酒相会,备说梁山泊晁、宋二公~,如此义气。(《水浒全传》552) A few months ago in a wine shop beside the road I saw the teacher Gong Sun sheng. He drank wine with me there and visited me in the wine shop and he told me all concerning Chao Gai and Song Jiang and of how they receive all good fellows from everywhere and how they are thus full of loving kindness toward their friends.
❍ 邹渊道: “如今梁山泊十分兴旺,宋公明大肯~。”(《水浒全传》620) Now in these days is the robbers’lair on Liang Shan Bo in the height of its prosperity and the chieftain Song Jiang is very willing to receive all who have skill.
❍ 那其间便~,今日个俺可便偃武不修文。(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》337) In those days you welcomed his talents,but now we have laid down arms…

招贤纳士zhāo xián nà shì

指广泛招收接纳有才能有德行的人。seek out able people and receive them, receive all good fellows from everywhere, welcome wise counselers and valorous warriors, like to meet all celebrated scholars





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:22:47