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单词 招降纳叛

招降纳叛zhāo xiáng nà pàn

draw deserters and traitors into one’s service; recruit deserters (/turncoats) and accept mutineers (/renegades)
❍ 扩大红军,不走由扩大地方赤卫队、地方红军到扩大主力红军的路线,而要走“招兵买马”“~”的路线。……凡此一切流寇思想的表现,极大地妨碍着红军去执行正确的任务。(《毛泽东选集》92)In expanding the Red Army,some people follow the line of “hiring men and buying horses ” and “recruiting deserters and accepting mutineers ”,rather than the line of expanding the local Red Guards and local troops and thus developing the main forces of the Red Army. …All these manifestations of the ideology of roving rebels seriously hamper the Red Army in performing its proper tasks.

招降纳叛zhao xiang na pan

re cruit deserters and traitors


recruit(or enlist)deserters and traitors(or mutineers); recruit turncoats and receive renegades

招降纳叛zhāo xiánɡ nà pàn

原指招引、收罗敌方投降的人,接纳、收容敌方叛变的人。现多用来形容网罗坏人,扩充力量。recruit deserters and traitors, draw deserters and traitors into one’s service, recruit turncoats and renegades





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