释义 |
招风惹草招风惹雨;招风揽火zhāo fēng rě cǎobe a coquette; look for trouble ❍ 原来我以为臭三岛只不过是个坏女人,好~,幸灾乐祸,挑拨是非,嚼烂舌根; …… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》123) I had always known that she was a coquette and a bad woman who loved to spread rumours and ferment trouble and mock at others’woes. ❍ 你只会怨我顾前不顾后,你怎么不怨宝玉外头~呢? (《红楼梦》414) Instead of blaming my thoughtlessness,why don’t you blame Baoyu for looking for trouble outside?/每当夏天,就穿一身雪白的府绸衣服,搽胭脂抹粉,~,走起路来一步一扭,活象一条蛇,人家送了她一个外号,叫 “白龙仙姑”。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》69) In summer she would deck herself out in white silk ,heavily powdered and rouged,arching and twisting like a reptile,and openly solicit.She early earned herself the nickname “The white Salamander.” 招风惹草zhao feng re caobring trouble on oneself |