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单词 飞黄腾达

飞黄腾达fēi huáng téng dá

advance rapidly in one’s (official) career; come into one’s kingdom;climb up the social ladder rapidly; get a rapid series of successes (/promotion) in polities (/business);have a meteoric rise; make a spectacular rise from poverty and obscurity to positions of authority; make big; make repaid advances in one’s career; rise high;rise (quickly) in the world/……又道‘宝玉高魁贵子’,莫非他有遗腹之子,可以~的么?(《红楼梦》1544)…and you mentioned that Baoyu has begotten a noble son.Is this as yet unborn son going to advance rapidly in his official career?/七斤虽然住在农村,却早有~的意思。(鲁迅《呐喊·风波》55) Although Sevenpounder lived in the village,he had always wanted to better himself.
❍ 这时还行着科举,由寒素而不多时便~的,城里就有好几个。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》13) This was still in the days of the old examination system,and there were quite a number of people in the city who had in a short space of time made a spectacular rise from poverty and obscurity to positions of authority.
❍ 但是这位 “狗肉将军”在~的时候,总不肯明确地谈这些事,好像只有变成了 “长腿将军”的时候,才又想起它来。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》216)During his giddy rise the “Dog meat General”would not commit himself definitely on this,and it was only after he became the “Long legged General” that he seemed to think about it.
❍ 原来,拿肃顺这件事才是他~的真正起点。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》3) The capture of Su Shun had been the real beginning of his meteoric rise.
❍ 妇孺是上不了场面的; 然而一面又拜才女,捧神童,甚至于还想借此结识一个阔亲家,使自己也连类~。(鲁迅《华盖集·补白三》)They will not let women appear on public occasions,yet they worship accomplished women and infant prodigies,hoping by this means to marry into a rich and powerful family,so that they can rise more quickly in the world.
❍ 男子倘要这么突然的~,单靠原来的男性是不行的,他至少非变狗不可。(鲁迅《南腔北调集》 155) If men want to rise suddenly to such dizzy heights,to rely simply on their masculine sex will not be enough: they will have to turn into dogs at the very least.


get rapid promotion; make rapid advance in one’career;become a rising star in officialdom;have a meteoric rise

飞黄腾达fēi huánɡ ténɡ dá

飞黄:古代传说中的神马名;腾达:比喻马的飞驰,形容马的奔驰,也比喻人的地位升迁很快。make big, strike oil, come up in the world, have a meteoric rise, rise high in the world, make killing, be successful in one’s official career





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