食shíⅠ (吃) eat: 少 ~ 肉多 ~ 蔬菜 eat less meat and more vegetables; 不劳动者不得 ~。 He who does not work, neither shall he eat. Ⅱ ❶ (吃饭) meal: 废寝忘 ~ forget meals and sleep ❷ (人吃的东西) food: 副 ~ non-staple food; 流 ~ liquid diet; 面 ~ food made of flour; 肉 ~ meat; 熟 ~ cooked [prepared] food; 主 ~ staple food; 他拒绝进 ~。 He refused food. ❸ (一般动物吃的东西; 饲料) feed: 鸡[猪] ~ chicken [pig] feed; 我买了一袋鸟 ~。 I bought a bag of bird feed. ❹ (可食用的) edible: ~ 油 edible [cooking] oil ❺ (天体现象) eclipse: 环 [偏, 全] ~ annular [partial, total] eclipse; 日 [月] ~ solar [lunar] eclipse ❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子通 Shi Zitong 另见 see also sì; yì。 ◆ 食变星 {天} eclipsing variable (star); 食不甘味 have no appetite for food (in deep sorrow); eat food but without knowing its taste; eat without relish; find one's food tasteless; 食不果腹 have little food to eat; have not sufficient food to eat; insufficient food at meals; not to have enough food to eat; 食草动物 herbivore; vegetarian; primary consumer; 食虫 carnivorism; 食道 esophagus; maw; swallow; 食而不化 eat without digesting — read without understanding; suffer from indigestion; 食粪 caecotrophy; 食古不化 follow the beaten track; cling conservatively to the old system; be fettered by old conventions; wedded to one's habits; swallow ancient learning without digesting it; 食管 oesophagus; gullet; esophagus; oesophago-; oesophag-; esophag-; esophago-;食火鸡 cassowary; 食积 {中医} dyspepsia; indigestion; 食既 second contact (of an eclipse); 食街 food street; 食具 tableware; dinner service; 食客 a person sponging on an aristocrat; a hanger-on of an aristocrat; 食粮 grain; food; 食量 capacity for eating; appetite; 食料 foodstuff; 食品 foodstuff; food; provisions; viands; pabulum; eatable; vivers; toke; fare; sito-;食品袋 taker-bag; food bag; 食品添加剂 food additives; 食品污染 food pollution; 食谱 recipes; cookbook; 食肉寝皮 want to eat sb.'s flesh and sleep on his hide — deep hatred for the enemy; tear sb. limb from limb; have his flesh eaten and his hide slept on; 食甚 {天} middle of an eclipse; 食双星 {天} eclipsing binary; 食宿 board and lodging; 食堂 dining room; mess hall; canteen; 食糖 sugar; 食蚊鱼 mosquitofish; gambusia affinis; 食物 food; eatables; edibles; aliment; eating; eat; meat; bait; gear; vivers; nosh; provend; 食物链 food chain; 食性 feeding habits; eating patterns; 食盐 table salt; salt; 食言 go back on one's word; eat one's own words; break one's promise; 食言而肥 get [grow] fat because of “eating one's own words” — be worse than one's word; get [grow] fat by eating one's own words; fail to make good one's promise; break faith with sb.; 食蚁兽[动物] anteater; 食用 edible; be used for food; 食用油 edible oil; 食油 edible oil; cooking oil; 食欲 appetite; belly; orexia; orexis; -phagia; 食欲不振 anorexia; One's appetite is poor.; have a jaded [poor] appetite; have a delicate [dull; feeble; weak] appetite; loss of appetite; 食之无味, 弃之可惜 unappetizing and yet not bad enough to be thrown away; eat tasteless food without enjoying it, but feel it is a pity to throw it away; hardly worth eating but not bad enough to throw away; 食指 index finger; forefinger; index; 食茱萸 ailanthus prickly ash; zanthoxylum ailanthoides; 食租衣税 live on rents and taxes; feudal exploitation
食sì [书] (拿东西给人吃) feed 另见 see also shí; yì。
食yì (用于人名) a word used in a person's name: 郦 ~ 其 Li Yiji 另见 see also shí; sì。 ◆食其 a surname |