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单词 marvel
释义 marvel /'md: vl; 'marvl/ n [C] 1 wonderful thing; sth causing great surprise, pleased astonishment: 奇妙的事物; 令人惊奇或惊喜的事物: Me of modern science. 近代科学的奇迹。 It's a ~ to me that he escaped unhurt. 他能安然无恙地逃脱,在我看来是件奇事。 The doctor's pills worked ~s, had wonderful results. 那医生的药丸有神奇的效果。 2 ~of sth, wonderful example: 奇异的例子; 不凡的例子: She's a ~ of patience. 她的商心元罕见的。 Your room is a ~ of neatness and order. 你的房间是出奇的整洁。 W (-II-, US -I-) 1 [VP3A] ~ at sth, be greatly surprised at: (对…)大为惊讶; 惊叹; 惊异: ~ at sb's boldness. 对某人的勇敢感到惊异。 2 [VP3B] ~ that/why, etc. wonder: 惊奇; 惊异; 诧异: I ~ that she should agree to marry that man/ why she should want to marry him. 我觉得备怪她会商意嫁给那个人 (为什么她要嫁给他) 。 ~ lous, (US =~ous) /'ma: vsl38; 'marvlas/ adj astonishing: wonderful. 惊奇的; 神妙的; 不可'思议的。 ~IousAy (US = ~-ously) adv




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