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单词 hive
释义 hive /haiv; haiv/ n 1 (also 亦作 'bee—) box (of wood, straw, etc) for bees to live in; the bees living in a ~. (木, 草等制成的) 蜂房; 蜂箱; 居于蜂房内之蜂群。 2 place full of busy people: 喧闹的地区; 闹市: What a ~ of industry! 多么扰攘的工业区! vt, vi 1 [VP6A] cause (bees) to go into a ~: 使 (蜂) 进入蜂房: ~ a swarm; 使蜂群进蜂房; (of bees) store (honey) in a ~ ( 指蜂) 储 (蜜) 于蜂房。 2 [VP2C] enter a ~; live close together as bees do. 进入蜂房; 如蜂般集居。~。 ff (from), (fig) become a separate (and perhaps self-governing) body (as when a colony of bees leaves a ~ and forms a- 团体(如一群脱离蜂房另建蜂巢者然); 使脱离组织而独立: ~。 Zf parts of the nationalized steel industry. 开 .放部分国营钢铁工业(为民营)。 new ~); separate and make independent (a part of an organization): (喻) 变成单独的 (或为自治的)




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