辱rǔⅠ ❶ (耻辱) disgrace; dishonour: 奇耻大 ~ galling shame and humiliation; terrible disgrace; 他宁死不愿忍 ~ 偷生。 He would rather die than live in dishonour. ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 平 Ru Ping Ⅱ (使受耻辱; 侮辱) bring disgrace [humiliation] to; insult: 丧权 ~ 国 humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty; 士可杀, 不可 ~。 A scholar prefers death to humiliation. ◆辱骂 abuse; vilify; revile; call sb. names; hurl insults; 辱命 fail to accomplish a mission; dishonour one's commission; 辱没 bring disgrace to; be unwor ̄ thy of |