释义 |
辛苦❶hard;toilsome;laborious ❷work hard;go to great troubles;go through hardships (对外宾刚下飞机时说) 你们~了!You have had a long flight (or tiring journey).or:Did you have a good journey (or trip)?or:You must be tired after the flight.or:How was the flight?/(对工作劳累和办事 “辛苦”,可说:You’ve been working hard. or:You’ve had a hectic day (or tiring) day.or:Thank you for all the trouble you’ve taken.)/(在检阅时,首长对列队人员说“同志们,辛苦了! ”在这种场合,既不能用“hard work”,也不能用太长的语句来表达,可以简单地说“Salute,(or How are you)comrades!”)/你们陪我们参观,~了。You must be tired taking us around./你~了一整天。You have had a hectic(or tiring)day./你~了,多谢。Thank you for all the trouble you’ve taken./这事恐怕又得~您了。I am afraid we’ll have to trouble you again./谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆~。Of the meals on your plate,each and every grain is the fruit of hard labor. |