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单词 remote
释义 remote /n'maut; n'mot/ adj (-r, -st) ~ (from). 1 far away in space or time: (在亟间或时间上)遥远的: in the ~ sf parts of Asia; 在亚祢的遥诙的地方; live in a house ~ from any town or village; 居住于远离任何城钻或村荘的房子; in the ~ past/ future. 在遥远的过去(未来) 。 ~ control, control of apparatus, eg in an aircraft, a rocket, from a distance by means of radio signals. 遥控(如在远处用无线电波对飞机、火箭之控制)。 2 widely separated (in feeling, interests, etc from): (在感情、 兴趣等方面)距离很大的; 关系甚远的(与 from 连用): Some of your statements are rather ~ from the subject we are discussing. 你有一些话与我们所谈论的简题关系不甚密切。 3 distant in manner; aloof. 疏远的; 冷淡的。 4 (esp in the superl) slight: (尤用于最高级)些微的; 轻的: a - possibility; 极小的可能性; have not the ~ st idea of what sth means. 一点不知道某事物的含义。 ~ly adv in a ~ manner: 遥远地; 关系甚远地: Gillian and I are ~ related. 吉莲和我是远亲。 ~ness n




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